Dare 83: Prank calls

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Madi: Okay, next dareee

Sketch: No Skub please ;-;

Sub: Remember what happened yesterday O_O

Sketch: Yeah...let's never speak about that again...

Sub: Agreed

Madi: Anyways...
@RachelLovesHannie dares everyone to prank call a stranger saying "I LOVE YOU...jk" and after they have to say who they love in the room and they have to make out with the person they said

Sketch: I like the first part of this dare...the second part, not so much :/

Denis: Who's gonna prank call first?

Pizza: ME ME ME!

Sketch: Psyco it is

Pizza: *calls a random number*

Person: Hello?

Everyone: *giggles*

Madi: Ssshhhh

Pizza: Hi! This is Pizza from Dominos

Person: Uhm...Why are you calling me?

Pizza: I called to tell your pizza is ready

Person: I didn't order a pizza though...

Pizza: You sure?

Person: Yeahhhh, I'm pretty sure

Pizza: So this isn't John Scoel?

Person: ...No....I'm Kassie Multer

Pizza: Oh...sorry for wasting your time

Kassie: It's alright!

Pizza: Oh one more thing

Kassie: Yes?

Pizza: Uhm...I love you

Kassie: Uhm...*laughs* Uhm... I don't know what to say

Pizza: I have something to say

Kassie: What is it?


Everyone: *bursts out laughing*

Kassie: -_- *hangs up*

Pizza: THAT WAS HILARIOUS! *laughs*

Sketch: Good job Psycho! High five!

Pizza: *high fives Sketch* :D

Madi: Now you gotta say your crush ;3

Pizza: Oh...uhm...Well, my crush is *beep*
*I'm not gonna go around exposing peoples crushes cause they might not want me too*

Sub: I wanna prank call next!

Denis: Go for it!

Sub: *calls a "random" number*

Sketch: *phone rings* Dang! I probably need to take this! I'll be right back *runs upstairs*

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