Dare 24: Doggo

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Madi: Alright next dare is for Corl!

Corl: Yay! What is it?!

Madi: Turtlez4Lif3 dares you to put Denis on a leash for a day and treat him like a pet!

Corl: Oh?

Sketch: Wow, he's basically going to be like a dog

Sub: Woof woof Corl

Corl: You guys are weird

Sketch: I'M weird?! Seriously! You're the weird one!

Corl: Well, besides you! You just have a smart mouth

Sketch: I know I do! Thanks

Corl: That wasn't a compliment

Sketch: Who said it was?

Corl: Well you said thanks so I mean...you kinda did

Sketch: I was being sarcastic idiot

Alex: You two stop arguing and do the dare! We're wasting time!

Corl: Alright, alright!

Denis: Hey guys! Did the dare come in yet?

Corl: Yep, it surely did!

Denis: Who is the dare for!

Sub: Corl

Denis: Oh

Corl: I have to put you on a leash

Denis: O-o What?

Corl: You heard me

Denis: Well, go ahead

Corl: *puts leash on Denis*

Denis: Do we have to go somewhere like this?

Madi: No, it wasn't required in the dare

Sketch: It should have been! It would be so hilarious for him to go out in public like that

Denis: Shut up

Sub: Well, we could go somewhere

Denis: Please no...

Alex: But where?

Corl: We could go to the mall again, there's always a lot of people there

Sketch: No, the mall is my death place! I hate it! No more malls

Sub: Fine, then where?

Aex: How about the park?! That's a perfect place

Corl: and there's usually people walking there dogs around too

Sub: Ooo, Denis is going to be making some dog friends

Denis: I'm not a dog! I'm a human just like the rest of you!

Sketch: Yeah okay...

Corl: C'mon doggo daily! Let's go to the park

Denis: -_-

*arrives at the park*

Sketch: What should be do?

Denis: Go back home! That's what we should do

Sub: But we just got here D:

Denis: This is embarrasing...

Corl: Well, a dares a dare

Sketch: What should we do?

Sub: We should play fetch >:)

Denis: I'm not fetching a stick...

Sub: You have too

Sketch: *throws a stick* Go get it!

Denis: No...

Sketch: Get it now!

Denis: What is my life... *gets stick* Are you happy now?

Sketch: :)

Denis: I hate all of you

Sub: We love you too :3

Corl: *pets Denis' head* It's okay...

Denis: Why?!

Corl: The dare said to treat you like a pet! So, I am!

Sub: Speaking of treats, how about a treat dingo?

Denis: No! I'm not in the mood!

Sketch: Not in the mood? All dogs loves treats

Denis: But I'm not a dog! *stomps foot*

Corl: Wow, someone's upset

Denis: Ugh, whatever...I'm leaving

Corl: But remember I have you on a leash so you can't go anywhere

Denis: Crap...

Sub: But he can just take the leash of himself?

Denis: Oh yeah! Why didn't I think that?!

Sketch: *kicks Sub in the ankle*

Sub: OW!

Sketch: Why would you say that, idiot!

Sub: Ow...I don't know! But you didn't have to kick me!

Sketch: You desevered it...

Alex: You're just a bully Sketch!

Sketch: I'm not bullying!

Sub: Yeah! You are!

Sketch: Whatever

Denis: Let's go home already

Corl: Fine!

*goes home*

Corl: We're home! Are you happy now?

Denis: Yes! Now take this leash off, it's kinda choking me

Corl: *takes leash off Denis*

Sketch: You shouldv'e left it on to choke him some more...

Denis: I'm about to choke you in a second boy

Sketch: I was kidding...

Denis: Mhm

Madi: We're going to end this chapter off here! :D Byee

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now