Dare 33: Chicken Suub

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Madi: Next dare is for Sub!

Sub: Oooo

Sketch: Boooo

Sub: Shut up!

Madi: Turtlez4Lif3 wants you to act like a chicken for a day

Sub: That's easy!

Sketch: Hey this dare shouldn't count! He's already a chicken!

Sub: No I'm not! You're the one who's scared of a freaking "ghost" at a cemetry!

Sketch: Ghosts are freaking real and you can't tell me otherwise! And you saw it with your own eyes

Denis: You two stop arguing

Sketch: He started it!

Sub: Wha! No I didn't!

Corl: You two are so cute together :3

Denis: Skub

Sketch: If I hear that come out of your mouth one more time I swear!

Denis: S. K. U. B. Skub :)

Sketch: Alright! That's it! *starts punching Denis*

Denis: Ow ow! Stop! *also starts punching*

Sub: Fight fight fight!

Corl: No don't promote it Sub!

Sub: So? Fight fight fight!

Alex: You two stop!

Sketch: Don't you ever say Skub again! Do you hear me?!

Denis: Yes, jeez! Just don't hit me anymore!

Sketch: Good!

Denis: *silently* Skub

Sketch: I heard that...

Denis: I didn't say anything!

Sketch: Mhm...I'll let that slide...

Denis: I didn't say anything though!

Sketch: Yeah...sure...I have ears too, I'm not deaf

Madi: Are you guys going to sit here and argue or are you going to do the dare?

Sketch: Sub?

Sub: What?

Sketch: You gon do the dare?

Sub: I am doing the dare

Denis: How?

Sub: Okay, I'm not but I'm about too

Corl: Then do it!

Sub: I'm going to act like Sketch cause he's a chicken :)

Sketch: Shut up!

Sub: Shut down!

Sketch: Whatever...

Sub: Bwak Bwak (A chicken makes that soun right? XD) I'm Skoop and I can't spell

Sketch: Shut up! It's called dyslexia thank you very much *crosses arms*

Sub: I'm a chicken!

Denis: Haha, indeed you are

Sketch: Yeah...I didn't know chickens talked

Sub: But you're talking! So why can't I?

Corl: Ooo

Sketch: Shut-

Sub: down!

Alex: *sighs* You guys...

Sub: Bwak bak!

Denis: Oh my lord

Sketch: Chicken Sub will be your new name :)

Sub: Bwak bwak >:(

Sir Meows: Meow meow?

Sketch: What did he say?

Denis: He said I'm better at you in obbys and you just suck in general

Sketch: You're lying! He didn't say that

Denis: Since you obviously speak cat, what did he say?

Sketch: He said that you suck and that he switching to my lane

Denis: Yeah right *rolls eyes*

Sketch: Also, I don't suck at obbies! I'm not the one dking 360 all the time and missing!

Denis: and? You can't even do a 360 at all! and I've landed them a bunch if times

Sketch: I can do better 360's than you

Alex: What does Roblox have anything to do with this?

Sub: Bwak bak!

Sketch: Denis brough it up!

Denis: No I didn't!

Sketch: Lier!

Denis: Mhm...

Sub: Bwak bak bwak bak!

Sketch: Aww, he said he hates me!

Sub: Well, that's true but that's not what I said...

Sketch: I was jokingand I hate you too

Sub: I love you tho ;c

Sketch: Ewww nooo

Sub: bak bwak bak! I'M A CHICKEN!

Corl: Oh my goodness...

Madi: Anyways, we are gojng to leave this chapter off here! Thanks for readingg

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