Dare 131: Lovely vacation

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Madi: Okayy, so I'm adding a new person!

Sketch: ...

Madi: We don't need your input sketch!

Sketch: But I didn't say anything

Madi: I said we don't need your input >:(

Sketch: :c

Madi: Ahem, anyways! Meet Sarah! @RealSubZeroExtabyte

Sarah: Hi!

Pizza: Hai :3

Sarah: So, I'm Sarah! I have brown hair and golden eyes. I LOVE rap

Sketch: Dude, same!

Sarah: and I can punch the living daylights out of you

Sam: Dang yo

Alyssa: Jeez

Sarah: Hehehe ;D

Madi: Okay, and the next dare is by Stormie! @StormSpirit03

Stormie: I dare Madi and Pizza to take a lovely vacation :)

Madi: Oh wow! Vacation!

Pizza: Yasss

Sketch: Not fair!

Madi: It is fair!

JJ: Welp, enjoy your vacation!

Pizza: ;D

Madi: Bye! And the house better not be destroyed while we're gone!

Alex: Yeah...we're totally not going to blow up the house

Denis: Yeah...

Madi: Wait what?!

Alex: Nothing!

Madi: Mhmmm

Pizza: Bye peeps

Lemon: I think Madi and Pizza are going to destroy the ship that they're going on...

Sketch: Yeah, Madi is rebellious sometimes and Pizza a psycho

Denis: Oh god
Cruise ship

Madi: So, what should we do first?

Pizza: hmm...

Madi: I think we should...just relax

Pizza: Yeah, this is a vacation, we should enjoy it!

Madi and Pizza: *lays down on the lounge chairs*

Boy 1: Hey ladies

Madi: *lifts up sunglasses* What?

Boy 2: Can we buy you guys a drink?

Pizza: ...

Madi: No!

Boy 1: Why?!

Boy 2: We're just trying to be nice

Pizza: No weirdos!

Boy 1: ...

Boy 2: Whatever

Boy 1: Well, wanna go into-

Pizza: Look, I'm a psycho! Leave us alone and I'll do unspeakable things!

Boy 1: Hahaha

Boy 2: You're funny

Pizza: *gets up and pushes them into the water*

Boy 1: AH!

Pizza: You wanna go next boi?!

Boy 2: Nah fam, I'm good! *runs away*

Pizza: >:D I'm so evil

Madi: XD

Pizza: Muahahaha

Ethan: Oh hey guys!

Madi: What the heck! Where did you come from?!

Pizza: I swear he has teleportation powers

Ethan: Nooo...it's just a coincidence

Pizza: Bruh -_-

Madi: Mhmmm

Ethan: Welp, bye

Pizza: That was weird .-.

Madi: Well...let's do something...evil >:)

Pizza: Like what?

Madi: Let's push people into the pool! Even if they have on their normal clothes >:)

Pizza: Wow, so evil >:)

Madi: Let go!

Person 1: Oh hi can I help yo-

Madi: *pushes into pool*

Person 1: AH!

Person 2: What the heck! Why'd you do that?

Pizza: *pushes into water* Because...we're evil >:D

Madi: Bahahha

Person 3: Please no

Madi: You know what...I'll let you off the hook :)

Person 3: Oh thank g-

Madi: SIKE! *pushes into water*

Person 3: AHH! MY PHONEn >:(

Madi: >;D

Pizza: Let's go make some hot pockets! I'm hungry :3

Madi: Mkay

*goes to room*

Madi: How do you make a hot pocket?

Pizza: It's ez! Just read the instructions

Madi: Wow, so much for help -_-

Pizza: ;D

Madi: *puts hot pocket into microwave*

Pizza: Okay, now all you have to do is-

*microwave explodes and catches on fire*



Madi: I don't know ;-;

Pizza: Put out the fire!

*fire starts spreading*

Madi: Uh oh! We gotta go!

Person: Do you hear those fire alarms?

Person 2: THERE'S A FIRE

Person 3: AHHHH!


Madi: Uh ooohhhh

Announcer: Attention! Attention! We are going to dock at a random place! Please stay calm!

Madi: So their not going to put the fire out?

Pizza: ;-; I guess not

5 minutes later

Announcer: Okay everyone, leave the ship immediately!

Pizza: Well this vacation went kinda...interesting

Madi: I know right! Let's go home

Sketch: Sooo, how'd it go?

Pizza: .......we almost destroyed the ship

Sketch: Ha! I called it! Denis pay up!

Denis: -_- *gives him 20 dollars*

Madi: Yeah...we also pushed people into the water

Sketch: Called it again! Pay up Corl!

Corl: Ughh, why do I make these bets with you?!

Sketch: ;D

Corl: *gives him 10 dollars*

Madi: Well, I'm going to end this here! Bye Mini Donuts!

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