Dare 32: Sketch x Wall

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Madi: Alright, next dare is for Sketch

Sketch: Hit me!

Sub: *hits*

Sketch: Ow! I didn't mean literally, idiot

Sub: Well, you said it

Madi: Anyways, SketchIsHot dares you to make out with the wall since you have no one else

Sub: Sketch is just a lonely boi

Sketch: Shut up! No I'm not...

Sub: Lonely Skoop

Denis: Well? Are you going to do the dare or what?

Sketch: Fine...*kisses wall* Are you happy?

Madi: Noooo, you have to make out with it! Not just kiss it

Sketch: Ugh, this is embarrasing

Sub: Aww, Sketch is soo lonely

Sketch: Shut up!

Sub: Do the dareee

Sketch: Ugh...*makes out with wall*

Corl: I ship it! hahaha

Sub: Skall!!!

Sketch: You guys don't even make sense ;-; I hate all of you

Denis: What did I do?

Alex: Yeah! I didn't do nothing!

Sketch: Well I hate Corl and Sub the most

Sub: I love you the most too :3

Sketch: Actaully, I just hate Sub

Sub: I still love you

Sketch: Mhm

Madi: Anyways, here's a borrring and short chapter! I hope you enjoyed still

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now