Dare 31: Even more drunk!

613 20 42

Madi: Next dare is for Likman

Alex: Ooo

Madi: DJThunder2004 dares you to drink 10 beers!

Alex: Oookay...

Sketch: Jeez, everyone has to drink beers! Sub is probably gon be next

Sub: Or Corl! He hasn't done it yet

Corl: Or none of us

Alex: We may never know

Sketch: I think Sub!

Denis: Anyways, get on with the dare!!

Alex: Alright! *drinks 10 beers*

*30 minutes later*

Alex: Oh ma gosh, I feel so weird

Sketch: Ya because you're drunk!

Alex: I'm dunk? I can't dunk! I'm not good at basketball :c

Denis: That's probably true...

Corl: Hey, that's mean

Denis: Well, he doesn't seem like sporty person!

Alex: I am a sprite person! I love sprite >:(

Sub: Not sprite...sporty!

Alex: That's not a word silly

Sub: Yea okay -_-

Denis: Well, if you're not sporty then what do you like to do?

Alex: I like...I like...uhm...

Sub: You like?

Alex: You :3

Sub: Aww

Sketch: Ew, loveee

Alex: Dove? Dove is a soap!

Denis: Yes Alex, Dove is a soap, good job *claps*

Alex: I like soap! I like to eat it :3

Sketch: What...

Sub: Don't eat soap! You clean youself with it!

Alex: Nooo, I'm not a cat! Only cats clean themselves

Denis: People do too!

Alex: Well I'm not a people! I'm a...dragon!

Sketch: That's what frank is!

Alex: Frank? Who is that?

Sub: A dragon

Alex: But I'm a dragon so...that means I'm frank :o

Sketch: Ha no! You wish

Alex: Ha yez!

Sketch: Ha nooo! No no no

Alex: I like dogs and dragons! I'm a dog!

Denis: But you just said you were a dragon

Alex: Lier! I didn't say that!

Denis: You're lying!

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