Dare 23: Ship Kiss

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Madi: Next dare is for all of you! Including me!

Sketch: You?

Madi: That's what I just said didn't I?

Sketch: Hmph

Madi: Anyways, @Palsforlife37dares all of the ships to make out and see who can make out the longest!

Denis: Ooo

Sketch: Wait, all of the ships? I don't have anyone! How am I part of this dare!?

Madi: I wasn't done -.-

Sketch: Oh, carry on

Madi: Anyways, there is a scary part!

Corl: A scary part?

Denis: Does Sketch have to pretend to be a murderer?

Sketch: I hope not....

Madi: Can I talk you guys?! Ugh!

Everyone: Yes

Madi: Thank you! Anyways, Sketch has to...

Sketch: has to?

Madi: has to make out with...

Sketch: Make out with?

Madi: Me

Sketch: you?

Madi: Yes me

Denis: Wait but the dare said ships

Sketch: I don't think we're a ship

Sub: Skadi? Metch!?

Sketch: Metch sounds horrible, I like Skadi better

Madi: Yeah

Denis: Yeas!

Alex: Let's do this dare!

Madi: Alright, everyone get with your partner!

Corl: This feels like we're in kindergarten

Denis: Except kindergartners don't kiss each other

Corl: You don't know that

Sub: How do you know?

Sketch: Because he probably kissed someone in kindergarten before

Corl: *blushes* You don't even know that and that's not true!

Sketch: Mhm, yeah...Says the person whos blushing

Corl: Says the person who likes me

Sketch: *blushes*

Sub: Can we get on with the dare! You two stop flirting already

Corl: We're not flirting!

Madi: Anyways, Angie is going to keep up with the time

Denis: Okay!

Angie: Alright lovers, get ready to kiss in 3....2.....1! GO!

*Everyone starts making out *

*5 minutes later*

Madi: I can't kiss you anymore!

Sketch: Well that's fine! I didn't even want to kiss you in the first place

Angie: Wow you guys only lasted 5 minutes?

Sketch: Ya!

*1 hour later*

Madi: How can people make out for this long?!

Sketch: Cheaters...they're actually together so they're used to it!

Angie: Mhm

*30 minutes later*

Sub: Alright! That's enough

Alex: Man...we lost

*30 more minutes later*

Madi: Okay no more! Stop! Time!

Denis: Wow! We made our for the longest?

Angie: Ye, about 4 hours

Sketch: 4 HOURS?!

Angie: Ya

Corl: Jeez

Sub: Ya'll could've probably made out for a week and never stopped

Corl: Wow...

Denis: I love you

Corl: I love you too

Sub and Angie: DORL!

Madi: We're gling to end this here! Thanks for reading (I feel like my book is becoming boring now...Let me know if I need to improve some :D)

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