Dare 22: Chapstick

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Madi: Alright, next Dare is for Denis and Corl

Denis: Ooo

Sketch: Do they have to make out again? Cause I'm gonna leave if that happens

Corl: Shut up! Ugh, you can never keep your opinions to yourself!

Sketch: *blushes* Sorry...

Sub: Wow, Sketch apologizing? Well, that's a first

Sketch: Shut up idiot

Alex: You like Corl! It's obvious!

Sketch: *blushes* I do not! Why do you guys keep saying I like him?! What even makes you think that!?

Denis: Well, you do always get into arguements with him...

Sub: and you blush everytime he talks to you...

Alex: You also blush when we say you like him!

Sketch: and? I can blush if I want to...

Corl: It's alright if you like me, you can tell me you know

Sketch: I. don't. like. you!

Angie: This is supposed to be about Denis and Corl! Chop Chop! Do the dare

Madi: YeH!

Sketch: Well tell them to leave me alone!

Denis: Whatever

Madi: Anyways, Chocolate4OH dares you two to do the chapstick challenge

Denis: That's not that bad!

Sketch: It's bad for me...

Sub: You like Corl

Sketch: You like Alex!

Alex: Hey! Don't bring me into this

Sub: Well, it's true! I do love you! :3

Alex: Awh :3

Corl: Anyways, I have tons of chapsticks! I have some unopened packs in my room! I'll go get them

Sketch: That boy and is chapstick

Denis: Tell me about it!

Sub: For real! He puts it on like every second of the day

Sketch: He's obssessed with his chapstick

Denis: Well, he likes to keep his lips chapped! Yours probably aren't though

Sketch: Shut up! My lips are fine and they are not chapped!

Denis: Mhm

Sketch: You're just jealous because I have better lips than you!

Sub: Ooo

Denis: No one needed your input Sub!

Sub: I didn't even say anything!

Sketch: You said," Ooo"

Sub: That's not words though!

Sketch: Well still, shut up

Sub: You shut up...

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