Dare 87: Shipz

329 11 38

Madi: Next dare! :) Also, another guest

Angie: Yay! More friends :3

Madi: I Introduce you to Allyson :D Allysrial

Allyson: Hi!

Denis: Hey!

Allyson: I have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes :)

Sophia: Ooo

Allyson: Also my dare is that all the ships happen :3

Denis: All the ships? Like everyone ship in existence?! Like, Dub, Skub, Dalex, Skorl, Dorl, Sublex, Skalex, Calex, Detch-

Madi: I think she means the ones that happens in this book... .-.

Allyson: Yeah, like Dorl, Sublex, and Skethan

Denis: Skub happens sometimes in this book!

Sketch: I'm never kissing that nerd ever again

Brooklyn: Well the dare did say that ALL the ships need to happen...so I mean, Skub need to be included ;D


Sketch: Fine -_-

Jazzy: What ship should go to first?

Harley: Obviously Skazzy ;D

Jazzy: O///O

Harley: Hehehe ;)

Corl: I think Dorl should go first ;3

Denis: ;3

Dorl: *kisses*

Sub: Aww cuties

Madi: Nextttt!

Pizza: SKUB!

Sketch: No! Save that for last

Corl: Well you know what they say, save the best for last ;)

Sketch: ;-;

Ivory: Sublex should go next!

Sub: ;D

Sublex: *kisses*

Madi: Aw! I think Skethan should go next ;)

Sketch: Ethan's not even he-

Ethan: I'M HERE!

Sketch: I spoke to soon...

Skethan: *kisses*

Ethan: I love you :3

Sketch: Mkay

Ethan: You're supposed to say I love you too :c

Sketch: Yeah okay...no :)

Ethan: *crosses arms* Meanie

Sketch: ;P

Brooklyn: NOW IT'S SKUB!

Sketch: ;-;

Skub: *kisses*


Jazzy: Jeez, calm down


Madi: Well I'm gonna end this here! Hope you enjoyeddd!

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