Dare 143...continued

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Madi: Okay, we is back to dis!

Sophie: Yas, more Dorl!

Denis: :3

Corl: Let's get this started!
Dare 81

Madi: Okay, so this dare was from Turtle and she dared herself to plan Denis and Corl a nice date.

Turtle: ;3

Sketch: Can we help?

Turtle: Sure!

Sub: Yas

Madi: But this time Sketch and Sub can't use the oven or the microwave

Sub: Why? :c

Madi: Do you not remember what happened last time?

Sketch: Nope :/

Madi: Ugh, insert a flashback
Dare 81 flashback

Sketch: The food we made was terrible because someone that it was to extra! >:(

Sub: cough Madi cough

Madi: All I said was do something simple! >:(

Sketch: We could've made lots of things

Pam: or burned down the house...

Sub: I mean...we kinda almost did

Sophia: How do you even burn down the house while making a sandwhich?!

Sketch: Heh...long story

Sub: Yeah...

Madi: *sighs* I'm never letting ya'll near the oven again

Sub: Sorrrrrryyyyy

Sketch: Also...we may have...broken all of your spoons...

Madi: How?!

Sub: Long story...

Brooklyn: *face palms*

Sophia: You two can't even make a sandwhich without breaking anything

DJ: How do you even break a metal spoon while making a PB and J sandwhich?!

Sketch: Again, long story

Madi: Turtle! I told you not to let them make the food! Now I have to get more spoons >:(

Turtle: Heh, sorry...

Denis: Hey! We back!

Turtle: How did it go?

Corl: It went well!

Denis: Also, those sandwhiches tasted weird...

Corl: Yeah, they tasted like they were burnt or something

Sketch: Uhm...Sub did it!

Sub: No! Sketch helped make the food too!

Sketch: Nope! It was all on him!

Dare The Pals {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now