Not An Update

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So this is awkward. I honestly hate making these because I've made so many and it's unfair to you guys. I have 6 days to make my goal happen. It probably won't happen so I'll just have a special chapter that day or something.

Now to why I haven't been updating like I said I would.

Yes these are all excuses but I am going to finish this book before summer hits.

OK so the first reason is because I've been busy. And when I have time I like to read instead of write. The second reason is I've been very uninspired lately due to me not liking the Paul Brothers anymore. The third reason is I know how I want my book to end but I need some more chapters to fit in there. The fourth reason is because I've been at a very low mental point right now. So many things have happened in the past few weeks that everything has gone downhill, and it sucks.

I was supposed to write a ton of chapters this weekend but plans failed, like always. Yesterday I was out of it due to Friday (which we will talk about in a minute.) and today I'll see.

Now on Friday I had a concert. I was standing for 2½ hours, had people screaming in my ears, and for some reason my stomach hurt like heck. So I still have a sore throat, my stomach still hurts, and I feel like I'm still partially deaf. Like it's really hard to hear.

And I just found out I'm officially playing on a tackle football team. I'm very excited for that.

So I'll try to update today and if I can twice.

Love you all!

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