The Babysitter-Dean Winchester

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"Well, Bobby what am I supposed to do now? I don't have anybody else to watch her." says Dean slightly freaking out as he bounces he holds his beautiful baby girl in his hand

Yes, you read correctly, his baby. It's not every day that you get a phone call from a hospital in some small town in Maine telling you that a lady just delivered your baby and that you need to get your butt there because she is trying to put her up for adoption. So you are needed to sign your rights away or take her home.

Dean walked into the hospital with Sam falling behind.

"Dude, you are a father." breathes out Sam with shock

"I'm not keeping her." says Dean firmly

"What?" says Sam placing a hand on Dean's shoulder stopping him from continuing

"What do you mean what? Sam, I can't raise a kid." says Dean

"You did pretty well with Ben." points out Sam

"Yeah, because Ben wasn't a baby. I don't know the first thing to do with a baby." says Dean

"So? You learn." reasons Sam

"Why do you want me to take this kid so badly?" questions Dean curiously

"Because....she's family. I don't feel right about just giving my niece to some adoption agency." answers Sam

"Yeah, because living with us will be so much better." retorts Dean trying to keep his real emotions at bay

"I'm just saying-" starts Sam not wanting to Dean to do something he will regret

"Sam, I am not taking her home." says Dean sternly before he continues down the hallway

Well, as you know that didn't work out. Dean took one look into Emma's bright green eyes and he couldn't leave without her.

"I'm on a hunt right now, my buddy and I are on the tail of a werewolf reeking havoc in Louisana." says Bobby making Dean sigh

"Well, Sam and I have this whole angel thing going on. I promised Cas." says Dean before Emma lets out a tiny squeal reaching up to tug on Dean's ear

"Well...I got an idea on who to call." says Bobby

"Who?" asks Dean eager to hear

"Hey, Dean." You say as you open the door to your small house in a small town in central Kansas

You are Bobby's daughter sort of crazy, right? Bobby got drunk and sleep with another hunter, your mom, that's how you came to be. Bobby was scared but quickly became the best dad in the world for you.

"Hey, Y/N." says Dean with a small, nervous smile

You knew that Dean had a daughter but you were a bit surprised by the sight into of you. There stood Dean Winchester, the cheeky teenager boy you grew up with, holding a baby in a bright pink covered baby carrier and a lavender printed baby bag slung over his other shoulder.

"Aww, and you must be Emma." You say crouching down to Emma's level

You quickly reach your hands out to tickle her softly causing a squeal to leave Emma's cute mouth.

"You are adorable." You compliment with a grin

You stand straight returning your focus back to Dean.

Dean and you grew up together. Summers with Sam and him at your dad's house. Random parts of the year that he would come. You guys quickly became friends before you both grew up and parted ways. You headed out of Sioux Falls and got a job wanting to live a normal life. Your father would have killed you if you became a hunter and you weren't a big fan of blood so it worked out. Dean and you just lost touch somewhere along the way.

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