Chapter 78 - Mommy's Letter for the Boys

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Maine's POV

"Two boys, this blessings is overwhelming" is what I keeps on telling myself. Who would have thought that I will have a chance to be a mother of twin boys. Eversince Olga died, I stop dreaming of having a happy family of my own. I just settled on a future with Celestine, only with Celestine. But now is different, I already have someone who truly loves me and Celestine. God gifted us with three additional boys in our lives, Daddy RJ plus these twin boys that who will be arriving in less than three months and will join us in our journey as a family.

I can't wait to see my children play and run around the house. I am certain that their laughters and gigglings will be music to my ears. Thinking that I will have another sets of arms around me gives me a different kind of thrill. Celestine may not come from me literally but she certainly comes from my heart. My children are my precious gift from God. Like RJ, I will never trade this family from anything else.

I could not suppress the joy in my heart as I found myself in front of my laptop, writing a letter for this two precious angels inside me.

To my dearest and precious baby boys,

When your Daddy and I first learned that I am conceiving, my heart was filed with so much joy and gratefulness to the creator. Much so, when we were told that we are having not only one but two babies.

We were overjoyed because we got twice the blessings from above. You are a gift from heaven and the feeling is still surreal that I am now carrying two blessings in my tummy.

The two of you have been in me for the past 20 weeks already. I can feel your occasional kicks and the more I can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms.

This pregnancy journey is filled with excitement as I felt you both grow inside my belly. It is still hard for me to believe that there are two beautiful human being inside me. I honestly don't mind about the rough pregnancy because I know that once I get to see you, it will all be worth it.

Boys, Daddy RJ and I promise to give you unconditional love and attention. We will always love you both and Ate Celestine regardless of whoever you guys wanted to be. We promise to be always there for you whenever you need us. When you are so overwhelmed and need to get away in whatever life throws at you, we will be here with open arms to give you the comfort that you need.

We will forever be thankful to the Lord for you and Ate Celestine, and I sincerely pray that you'll grow healthy everyday while waiting to see the world without any difficulties.

We pray that God would give Daddy RJ and I, strength and wisdom to guide you in the way you guys should go and that we will be an example of God's love and forgiveness to you. May God guide us to be the parents that you deserve.

Me and Daddy plus ate Celestine are now anxiously waiting to hold you for the first time. We haven't met you my loves, yet we already love you so much. We can't wait to see you, our little angels, our new bundle of joy.

Mommy Maine.

As I saved the letter that I just wrote, my excitement soars high thinking about hearing new words and discover new things from my children.

In this journey of motherhood, I am looking forward to those hard lessons that I will embrace in this God's given task, because I know this will definitely make me a better wife and a better person.

Motherhood is a tough job but the most fulfilling.

"Being a mother is learning about strenghts you did not know you had and dealing with fears you did not know that existed" - Linda Wooten

My hats off to you Mommies 🤗🤗🤗

Thank you for the reads and votes peeps 😚🤗😚🤗😚🤗

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