First heartache

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Taehyung Pov.

We are heading now to T-Entertainment. And when we reached the Agency we are shocked that there are so many press waiting for the both of us.

Rosè:Yahh Sunbae??

She's Talking with much nervous.

Taehyung:Don't worry.

And then I called dad because we are now stock here inside the car.

Taehyung:Hello Dad. We are stock here there are so many press and cameras waiting outside. My fiancee don't want to show herself. Knowing that she is just a trainee.
Dad:Just give her a mask and a cap. Don't worry I will send some bodyguards there.

And then I hang up.

Taehyung:Rosè-Shii you must wear my mask.

And then i offered him my black plane mask.


And then he nod.

Taehyung:Just Look at the ground so no one can capture your perfectly. Ok?
Rosè:Ok. But why are they waiting for us?
Taehyung:Of course they know about the engagement party. And knowing that I am a popular Producer.

And then he just rolled her eyes.

Taehyung:So lets go?

I offered my hand.


And then I tucked my hand to her to hold her tightly. And then we are now out to the car. Cameras flashing in. So many questions. And then they keep on following us until the main door of the building. And thankful to the guard he closed it.

Taehyung:Woah.. are you okay?

I just turned my head and I just saw Irene looking at our hand rosè holding. So I decided to let go.

Irene:Taehyung--shii lets go we need to record the other songs.

And the he grabbed my arm. And rosè just turn around and walk. She never said goodbye aishh. And then I removed the hand of Irene and walk.

Irene:Yah taehyung wait for me.
Taehyung:You must stop flirting me Irene. Your no longer my girlfriend.
Irene:Tsk. No way you must be with me always.

Rosè Pov.
I just saw Irene Holding taehyung arms. I know from the start this engagement is just and arranged so I don't need to expect more. After entering the studio I just saw the girls staring at me so I just walk towards to them.

Rosè:Good morning.
Jennie:So how was your first night with taehyung?
Rosè:Yahh Nothing happened.
Jisoo:Tsk. So you are sharing one bed now?
Rosè:Of course not. We are just engage not married.
Lisa:do you eat your breakfast?

After practicing. I just went to the rooftop. I feel down what I saw earlier. Knowing that taehyung and Irene sunbae is still in a relationship. But someone just cut the silence. Its jimin oppa.

Jimin:Yahh rosè--shii what are you doing here?
Rosè:Ah. I just want to be alone.
Jimin:You must be with taehyung.
Rosè:Tsk. Why would I?
Jimin:Because his your fiancee.
Rosè:Tsk. The reality is for him I am just a trainee nothing more.
Jimin:Why do you say so?
Rosè:Tsk. You don't need to know. And why are you here also?
Jimin:I am so sad?
Jimin:someone stole you.

And then I look at him.

Jimin:I want you rosé--shii. But someone just owned you.
Rosè:Tsk. Jimin oppa yahh I know you still love seulgi nonna.
Jimin:Isn't obvious I already like you and not seulgi.
Rosè:Yaahh oppa. Tsk.
Jimin: okay fine. I must stop for now but remember I am not quitting.
Rosè:Tsk. Okay fine its your decision.

And then we talk and talk. And then we go back to the studio to start again the rehearsal.

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