Naj PJ x Occult! Reader

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    So your like Oka in Yandere Simulator. You also keep your right eye covered with your hair. I'll also add that you have a thing for scented candles.

  You were walking to the gym, you opened the doors and went to go change into your gym outfit. The class was playing dogeball. When teams were made the game began. It was just you and PJ left, but you didn't move when the game started. PJ threw the ball and it hit you straight in the gut. The impact was so hard that you clutched you stomach and layed on the floor. You saw Fresh running to your side. "(Y/n)! Are you ok?" You nodded and sat up. "I knew I should have summoned that demon this morning for protection." Fresh shook his head and helped you up. You went to change out of your gym clothes and went out the gym.

Time skip

   The bell rang for lunch and you sat with Fresh, Alphys, Papyrus, and Napstablook. "Um, g-guys" Papyrus whispers with a scared look. "The jocks are coming over here." Everyone at the table has a scared and nervous expression on their faces, except you. You sighed and stood up. "Come on guys, let's sit somewhere else." They all nodded and moved to a different table. You all spent the rest of lunch talking, but you had your eyes on PJ. 'He'll never love someone like me, he'll probably go for other girls.' You thought.

Time skip

   The day ended and you went to your locker. You put some of your stuff up but a candle fell out and started to roll away and rolled up to PJ's feet. He picked it up and saw you. "Is this yours?" "Oh, my ritual candle. Thank you" PJ looked at you strangely. "Ritual? You mean like for spirits and demons and stuff?" You nodded. "Sorry for throwing that ball so hard at you." "Its fine, its in the past." PJ asked if you wanted to hang out the next day and you said yes.

The next day

   The day ended and you went to your locker. You went to the side of the school were PJ told you to wait for him. You looked and he wasn't there. 'He must still be at practice' you thought. You took out your lavender scented candle and smelled it. The scent always made you feel relaxed. PJ came and saw you. You waved at him and you both talked until you had to go home.

A few months later

  Fate was not on your side today. You felt like the universe hated you. You got beaten up by the jocks and you haven't seen PJ all day. You and PJ have gotten close and your feelings for him grew stronger. You wanted one of the hugs he gave you everytime you both hung out. When the day ended, it was raining. You wished you had your candle but you left it at home. As you were walking in the rain, you started to tear up a little bit, then the rain suddenly stops and you saw PJ holding up his jacket to shield you both. "What's wrong (y/n)?" Your head was down and tears fell down your cheeks. "I think a hex was casted on me. I haven't seen you all day and I got beaten up, and I wish I had my candle to calm me down, but I left it at home." The tears kept falling and PJ placed his jacket on your shoulders and cupped your cheeks. "I'm sorry. The reason you didn't see me all day is because I was trying to figure out how to tell you that I love you." You blushed and PJ uncovered your other eye. "Your eyes are beautiful, and I love hearing your voice, so will you be my girlfriend?" You nodded, you both shared a hug and you started to cry. "Why are you crying?" "I thought you would never love someone like me. People think I'm weird because I read about demons and do rituals and they-" before you could continue, PJ kissed you. "Your not weird, your really cool to me." You blushed and kissed PJ again. "I love you (y/n)." "I love you too Jammy."
  Sorry I haven't been updating. Its literally 5:26 in the morning and I just got bored so I wrote this.

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