(crack) Error x Ink and Fresh x Paperjam lemon

2.7K 70 35

Error: Hey bb u wunt sum fuk

Ink: nu

Error: I got u blue

Ink: nu

Error: lik

Ink: let's have fuk

Months l8r

Ink: we has chirren

Paperjam: i is printer problem and I is gay

Fresh: I luv printer problem

Paperjam: i luv u to

Ink: stay away from meh chirren

Fresh: nu

Fresh and Paperjam haz fuk

Paperjam: gay mum meet your grandchirren

Cray: I is crayola

Cil: i is cellphone

Error: I so prud

Ink: meh 2

Dey liv hapy and ink and error had moar fuk

DA en

Au Sans x Reader oneshots: The sequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora