Naj PJ X Anxious! Insecure! Shy! Reader: Part 2

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   You and PJ have been together for almost a year. You were still a little insecure and anxious but PJ was always there to help you relax. It was finally the weekend and you spent it with PJ. You both watched movies and cuddled. It was late at night and you had an anxiety attack. Your breathing was fast. You shook PJ so he can wake up. He shuffled and finally woke up. "What's wrong baby doll?" "I had an anxiety attack." He hugged you and ran his fingers through your hair. You started to cry a little. "Its ok baby, just breath. Deep breaths." You took deep breaths and calmed down. Your muscles were still a little tense, so PJ went behind you and rubbed your shoulders. When you relaxed he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck. "Let's try to go back to Sleep." You nodded and cuddled with PJ.

TEMskip to Monday (-_-)

   I just got out of practice. I wonder where (y/n) is, she's usually walking towards the gym when I get out of practice. I started to walk around the school until I heard my baby's scream. "PJ!!" "(Y/N)!!" I ran and followed where the scream was coming from. "PAPERJAM!!!!" She never calls me by my full name if its serious. The screams got closer and I saw my baby all bruised and bloody. This douche was punching and kicking her in the ribs and punching her in the face. I punched him and he ran away. I ran to my baby and she coughed up blood. "P-P-Paperjam..." "I'm here baby. I'm right here. I'll call a hospital, just don't leave me." Her hand weakly cupped my cheek. "I love you." She was crying and so was I. I kissed her hand. "I love you too."

Time skip

Author's POV
   The ambulance came and took you to the hospital. You had a few broken ribs and your tense muscles caused you to be unable to walk for a while. PJ came into your hospital see you half awake. "Hey baby." You waved. PJ move some of your hair out of your face and kissed your forehead. He sat next to you on the hospital bed and put his arm around you. "Jammy..." He kissed you. "Don't talk, save your strength. Just fall asleep, ok baby." You nodded and cuddled into PJ's side.

   It's been a couple months since that incident and you were back at school. You did have to be home for a couple of weeks and PJ helped you when going up and downstairs. At the end of those weeks, you were able to walk again PJ silently growled at anyone who had hurt you in the past and made sure to protect you. You were with Fresh to help you study for a test, and PJ went to find the guy who almost killed you. He found him and the guy punched PJ but he fought back. The fight ended and PJ ended up breaking a few ribs. He started to walk like nothing happened to find you. Fresh told him that you went home and he went to your house. You heard a knock on your door and saw PJ. "Hi Jammy, what are you doing here?" "I just wanted to visit my girlfriend." You looked at him with a concerned look.  "What's wrong?" "Nothing sweetie, I'm fine." You lifted PJ's shirt blushing a little at your action. You saw a few broken ribs. You gasped and told PJ  to sit on the couch while you ran to get the first aid kit. You bandaged up his ribs and gently hugged him. You pulled away from the hug and looked him straight in the eyes. "Tell me what happened, please. We promised each other to not keep secrets between us." You said, tears in your eyes. PJ sighed. "I went to find that guy who almost killed you. I wanted to make him pay for hurting you." "But you got hurt too. If you almost died, I wouldn't know what to do." You let a few tears slip and PJ kissed them away. "I'm not going anywhere, I'll be here with you. I promise." You smiled and kissed him.

Collage graduation day timeskip!!!!!

   After the ceremony when you and PJ were alone together, he got down on one knee and took out a small box. "(Y/n), will you marry me?" You cried an kissed him. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I will!" He put the ring on your finger and you two shared a kiss. You showed your mom, Ink, Error, Palette, Cil, and your friends. You had the wedding and it was on a beach. You also had a baby girl, named Victoria. She looked like you, but had PJ's eyes. You both lived happily ever after.

Au Sans x Reader oneshots: The sequelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن