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Oof! I got tagged a few times and i always  forget to make a chapter  about it

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Oof! I got tagged a few times and i always  forget to make a chapter  about it.... Well here we go.

1) @sinning_shipper tagged me

2) Welp I'm  doing it now :3

1. I'm  super weird
2. I don't  like talking  on the phone :/
3. I love chocolate
4. My favorite  colors are red and black
5. i have 5 siblings
6. Im the oldest of all my siblings
7. I tend to be very shy at times
8. Im very shy when singing in front of people
9. I have major trust issues
10. I have social anxiety

4) Well I don't know many people.

5) How do you make holy water? You boil the h*ll out of it XD

6) Darkness. That's all I can see. I can't move. I can't remember what happened. Wait, Fallacy.... What happened to my Fallacy? Where is my Fallacy? It's so cold. "(Y/n)!" That voice, Fallacy? "(Y/n), my love, don't  die, please stay with me.." Die? Am I dying?

1- Mention who tagged you
2- Do it less than 3 days
3- Say 10 things about yourself
4- Tag 28 people
5- Tell a joke
6- Write a spoiler for one of your stories
7- Put these rules in your tag

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