NAJ! PJ x Emotionless! Reader

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  Hi! Geeze, it's been a while since I wrote a oneshot. I have been so stressed lately cause I had my finals today and for the rest of the week. Wish me luck on my finals guys, and enjoy this one shot.

Plot: Reader always seemed emotionless. Nobody has ever seen her smile or cry. She also scares some people by them looking behind them and seeing her there. She was also really quiet and barely talks. When she goes to Underhigh, she's immediately avoided by some. But, PJ finds her interesting.


   You've been at Underhigh for at least a month. You managed to make friends, those friends being Fresh, Napstablook, Papyrus, and Alphys. They were the first to not be scared or avoid you, though you barely talked around them. The only times you do talk around them is when you actually have to respond to a question. Others at the school stay far away from you. You were bullied a lot too, mainly by the jocks. Fresh, Alphys, Papyrus, and Napstablook stood up for you, but got beaten for it. After that, you became distant from them, but the bullying didn't stop. Every time you got bullied, you accepted it and didn't fight back. You saw the leader of the jocks while walking down the hallway and when you both made eye contact time seemed to stop for you and  you felt a strange feeling in your stomach and your cheeks started to burn. 'Am I sick?' you thought. You shook off the feeling and kept walking. PJ felt the same feeling when he saw you. Your (long/short) (h/c) hair. Your (e/c) eyes. He then started to wonder why you were just so emotionless. 

   You were waiting for your mom to pick you up until you were tapped on the shoulder. "Hi." it was PJ. "Hello." you said back with no sign of emotion laced in your voice. "If you're here to bully me, make it quick." you said. PJ was taken back a little about what you said. He did noticed that you didn't really fight back when the other jocks beat you up. "I'm not going to bully you." You were shocked to hear that but it didn't show on your face. "Then why are you here?" "I just wanna talk. Why are you so... you know... deadpanned?" You brushed some of your hair out of your face and shrugged. "I was just born that way. My mom told me when I was born I didn't cry, or showed any emotion while growing up." you explained.

Woah,  never knew she was like this. "Most of the time I fake an emotion, but I'm really bad at faking so people didn't believe it. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to have a real genuine emotion." She brushed some of her hair behind her ear. God, she's cute... "I can help you" She looked at me. "Really?" I nodded. "Thank you." A car horn then honked. "That's my mom, here." She got out some paper and wrote something down. "This is my number. Text me sometime, ok?" I took the paper and smiled at her. "Ok." 

Reader's POV
"So (y/n), who's the boy~" Mom always like to joke like this. PJ is the first boy I ever had a real conversation with. "He's just a friend mom." "Well I'm glad you're making friends honey. Did you show any type of emotion today?" I shook my head. She asks this everyday. I'm not annoyed by it though.


Author's POV
    You and PJ talked a lot, bit everytime you walked down the halls with him you could hear the whispers of other students, but you didn't care. "So (y/n) do you wanna come and see me practice? There's a game coming up and I want you to be there." PJ said. You nodded and followed him to the gym.

   You sat on the bleachers and watch the whole team practice. Some tried to aim basketballs at your head but you always hit them away. PJ noticed balls being thrown at you and he told the others to stop. Soon you had to leave and you waved bye to PJ. When you left the gym his friends started to tease him. "You think she's hot." "What?" Burgerpants chuckled. "Don't play dumb you're totally into her." PJ blushed a little. "N-No I'm not..." "Dude I don't even think she can feel love. I mean have you sheen her. She never smiles. Never!" PJ's blush grew more when he thought about you.

3 months later

   You and PJ have been closer than ever. He invited you over for dinner at his house. When you told your mom she was excited. "Oh! Its a date!"  "Mom, its not a date." You as as your mom kept going through your closet to find you a nice dress. "Ok, but its sorta like a date since your meeting his parents." She said as she pulled out a short semi-formal (f/c) dress. "How about this one?" "That's fine."


   PJ heared a knock at the door. He opened it and there you were in a dress with your hair slightly curled. He blushed madly. "Y-You look really beautiful." "Thank you." You walked in and you sat on the couch. "So this is the girl your always talking about." You looked to your side and saw Error. "Hi Mr. Error. You have a nice home." "Thank you." He said with a big smile on his face. Cil and Palette came into the living room, and when they saw you they instantly started to tease PJ. "So, PJ is this your girlfriend?~" Palette said. "Shut up!" PJ said with a blush on his face. "Palette is your brother?" You asked. "Yeah. My dad got married to Mr. Ink" he said. "So how long have you two been together?~" "Cil!"

  You all sat at the dinner table. "Thank you." you said. "Oh no problem. I hope you like it." Ink said. "No, I mean thank you for not kicking me out." Everyone looked at you. "Why would we do that?" Error asked. "Whenever I get invited to someone's home, they kick me out. I try my hardest to feel genuine emotions but they don't come. That's why everyone avoids me and..." Your vision got blurry and tears started to spill from your eyes. "T-Thank you for accepting me." PJ got up and hugged you. "(Y/n), you had a real emotion." "I-I don't like this emotion..." you said still crying. "You're sad." PJ said as he wiped your tears. Everyone then got up and hugged you. 


  After dinner PJ walked you home. "Thank you PJ." you said with a small smile. "This new emotion I like." "That's happiness." He said. Your smile grew. You then saw a small blush on his cheeks. "PJ are you sick. Your cheekbones are all pink." You said. PJ suddenly hugged you. "(Y/n) we've known each other for a long time and when I'm around you I... I can't explain it but all I can think about is you." He then leaned in and kissed you. Your cheeks turned red and they felt like they were on fire. When he pulled away you tried to hide your blush. "I love you." your heart raced when he said those three words. "So that was the feeling whenever I'm around you. When I see you my face heats up. I thought I was sick those times but it was love." You said smiling. You then hugged him. "I love you too." you said. He hugged you back and you both stayed like that for a while. "(Y/n)! You had a real emotion, oh my goodness!" Your mom shouted from the front door. "Mom!" you said and hid your face in your hands. "I-I'll see you at school PJ." he chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Ok." You walked in your house and waved to him out the window. He waved back to you and walked back to his house. Your mother hugged you. "Sit down, and tell me everything that happened at PJ's house." your mother said. You sighed and smiled a bit. 'This is gonna be a long night' you thought.


Hope you enjoyed this oneshot! School is almost over for me so I'l try to find some more time to write. This book has so many chapters already I might start a third book. -w-

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