Fell! Palette x Kind! Edgy! Reader

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Hello shooting Stars! I'm not dead :D! Also, CAN 👏 ANYONE 👏 TELL 👏 ME 👏 WHY 👏 FELL PALETTE'S 👏 NICKNAME 👏 IS 👏 RURIK!!!!!

Plot: Reader dresses edgy but has a kind heart. Rurik took notice of her and started to hang out with her. One day he sees Reader helping and injured animal, he thought why did she care. Everytime she did a kind deed, he asked her why care. One day, Rurik was super depressed and Reader caught him doing the unspeakable.
   You were at the park, making flower crowns until an edgy skeleton with star eyes came to you. (Author-cham is to lazy to describe him so ask google plz) "Hey." "Hello." He looked at the flower crown on your head and the unfinished one in your hands. "Why are you making those? It's dumb, the flowers are going to die anyway." You looked at him and continued to make the crown. "I just like making them." You said with a small smile. He sat down next to you and you both talked. You finished the second flower crown and placed it on Palette's head. He blushed a little. "I'll wear it, but I'm gonna throw it away later." You shrugged. "Its fine, I have to go, see you later Palette." He waved and you started to walk back to your house. "Wait! I could walk you home or whatever." You smiled a little. "I like that." You both walked and talked to your house. You invited him in when you both got to your home. "I'm home mom." You whispered hoping Palette didn't hear you. "Where is your mom? Is she still at work or something." you frowned and looked down. Palette realized why you were sad. "Oh, sorry." You didn't know it at the time but you were crying. "Its fine. Even though she's gone I feel like she's still here waiting me to give her a hug." Palette pulled out his phone. "I can give you my number if you want to talk or hangout." You sniffed and smiled. "Ok." You both gave each other your numbers and Palette left.

one year later

    Palette came to hang with you almost everyday. One day he saw you in the park looking at something. He walked over to you. "Hey (y/n)." "Hey Palette." He saw that you were looking at a baby bird that fell out of it nest. You gently picked it up. "Hey Palette, can you give me a boost?" He gave you a questionable look and gave in. After you put the bird back in its nest Palette questioned you while you two were taking a walk. "Why did you help it? Its just a dumb animal." You looked at him. "Even dumb animals need kindness." "Why do you care so much?" You stopped dead in your tracks. "Cause that's how my mother raised me. She use to tell me everyday that if I do something good in life that it would reward me. She used to tell me to always smile, but then she left me and I promised i would always smile for her." tears ran down your cheeks, he knew that talking about your mother always made you cry. "I used to smile all the time when I was little, I always do something good and what does life do for me? it gives me nothing but pain and heartbreak. Life hasn't rewarded me with anything!!!" You fell to your knees crying and it started to rain. Palette came up to you and brought you into a hug. He was hesitant at first but he slowly relaxed. "Look, I know life can be a b*tch sometimes trust me." you hugged him and gripped onto his shirt. "Life did reward you though." "with what?" He looked at you and wiped your tears with his thumb. "With this." He whispered as he kissed you. "I love you (y/n)" he said with a bright blush on his cheekbones. You blushed too. "I love you too." You said and you both walked to your house.

two years later

     You and Palette have been dating for two years. But he got into a fight with his friend Fell Goth. He was so mad that when you went to hug him he threw you so hard that you slammed into the wall. He realized what he did. "Babydoll I-I'm sorry!" You looked at him and tried to stand up but fell to your knees. He tried to help you up but you flinched a little and got onto your feet. "Its ok, I just.. Need a little space." You walked out of his house and walked to your house. It has been a week since that accident and you were a little scared of him and tried to avoid him, but you couldn't keep avoiding him. You walked to his house and knocked on the door. No answer. You opened it with the extra key he gave you and walked inside. "Palette?" No answer. You walked upstairs to his room and saw him. A knife in his hand cutting himself. He just just about to stab his soul until you grabbed his wrist with tears flowing down your eyes. "(y/n)?" You threw the knife to the other side of the room and hugged him so tight that he might disappear if you let him go. "You.... Y-You idiot!!! Why would you do that to yourself!!" He didn't respond or looked into your eyes. You got the first aid kit and started to bandage his wounds. "If you don't want to tell me why you were doing self harm, you don't have to." you said after all of his wounds were bandaged. You got up to leave but he pulled you in a hug and cried. "I did it because I hurt you. I hurt my sweet little cupcake." You hugged him back. "I know you didn't do it on purpose, but you didn't have to kill yourself for that." "I don't deserve you. Your too perfect. And I treated you like an a** that day." You cupped his cheekbones and wiped his tears. "You do deserve me. You tell me everyday that you love me. I know you love me cause you kept the flower crown I made when we first met." You kissed him. "Sure you may act like a a** at some point, but that doesn't mean I'll stop loving you." You hugged him. He blushed and he kissed your forehead. "I love you baby." "I love you too."
................... Was this too cheesy? If it was........... I'm not sorry >:3 I like dat type of stuff.

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