Chapter Nineteen

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She was crying in front of me while I'm kneeling down on the carpeted floor to leveled her face. She cried because of me. She cried when she saw me personally again. She cried and still crying like a little child—like our child who was been cried when she suddenly grabbed him from my comfort...

I thought the baby who's crying lately on his crib is just her nephew, I was so worried about him. He was crying even louder, but I hadn't an urge to wake Payton up from sleep. I wandered my eyes around their living room but I haven't seen anything that could make him stop from crying. He is probably hungry or needs someone to carry him.

Slowly, I slid myself on the couch preventing to disturb Payton from her deep sweet sleep. Then swiftly I'd succeeded to stand from the couch and immediately took the baby to my arms. I carry him, and I can't help myself but to smile at him. He's become more adorable by his droplets of tears and tugged lips. He is like a poor baby who was been maltreated by someone. I suddenly wiped his tears using my thumb, he stopped crying and look intently on me as if he is wondering who's the man carrying him.

I found myself on him, I admire this baby even it is my first time I saw him. He now remained on silence, and I can't help myself to ask him what he wants. "Hey, little boy! What do you want?" I asked him pretending that he is even understand me.

He just strike a smile to me before suck his fingers by his little toothless mouth. I served it as his answer to my question. I don't know anything about babies, but I know they might be hungry and needs some milk to drink. So, I walk through their kitchen and seek something for the baby while he is still in my arms. Fortunately, I saw a big can of powdered milk and distilled mineral water on the table and some tiny feeding bottles.

I sat on the dining chair, I thought I can able to move in action but he suddenly moves crazily like throwing his hands in the air. Maybe he knew what's in front of us, he is being excited of his milk. And because I can't able to move well, I temporarily lay him on the table with his stomach under his body. He become more playful, he's wagging his arms and feet as if he is having a swimming lesson.

I let him play there, while I'm searching to my brain what to do. It is all my first—to hold a baby, to carry him, and even to see a real feeding bottle. Okay! I took deep inhale and let it out through my mouth. I grab the feeding bottle and remove the nipple part of it. I had to concentrate but the baby climb near to me and I had no choice but to stay him little further from the water. He might spill it on the table.

And then, the second step I thought is to fill the tiny bottle with distilled mineral water, and so I did successfully. The bottle is full of water now. And then, the third step I thought is to put the powered milk on the bottle with water just like preparing a cup of coffee. I used the yellow tiny cup for measurement of milk, I spooned it and slowly transfer the powdered milk to the tiny bottle.

"Oh, shit!" I cussed, because the water on the bottle dripped outside as I transfered the milk. I shifted my gaze to the baby but he is just laughing while looking at me. I can't help myself but to chuckle, too, like him.

I pinched his pinkish round cheek, and continue again. "Hey, little boy! How do your mom prepare your milk?" I asked as if he will speak for retort.

In less than an hour, I'd finally prepared his milk with a lot of mess on the table. I grab him again after I shook the feeding bottle to mix the milk on the water. I lie him to my arm like the usual position of a baby to his mother's arm. I feel awe. He's really captivating, and adorable child. He has something that I couldn't help but to smile and smile over again.

He's trying to extend his arm to get his milk to my hand, and because I sensed that he is really that hungry I placed the nipple of the feeding bottle to his toothless mouth and he suddenly sucked it ravenous. I'm just watching over him while I'm holding his bottle in steady and while his tiny palm rested on my naked chest, he is slightly pinching my skin.

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