F O U R T Y - N I N E

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It's been five months since Dean was founded innocent at court. Emery was now 10 months old, and Becky was cleared to go back to wrestling, though she didn't really want to go back.

It was nice spending time with her three babies: Mason, Makenna, and Emery. Dean still wrestled and he was able to go home after Smackdown Live shows were over. He only had 3 matches a week, which gave him about 3 1/2 days to stay home with his family.

"Daddy's home," Dean called as he closed the door and he put his luggage next to it. "Daddy," the twins screamed running to their dad. "Hey guys," he smiled picking them both off the floor. "We missed you, daddy," Makenna smiles as she kisses her dad's cheek. "I was only gone for two days, baby girl," he chuckles as he returns the kiss from Makenna and gives one to Mason. "That's still a long time, daddy," Mason giggles.

Dean put the twins down as he saw Emery waddling up to him. "Dada," she cooed. Dean smiled as he kneeled down to Emery's level. "Come here, baby girl," he said sticking his arms out for his youngest daughter to walk to him.

Emery waddled to Dean until she fell on her butt, causing her to start crying. Dean smiled as he scooped her off the floor. "Don't cry, princess. You're OK," he says wiping the tears from her face, making her giggle. "You look so much like your mommy," he smiles kissing her cheek. "Where's mama, baby girl?" He says looking at her. "In here," he heard from the kitchen.

He walked to the kitchen with Emery to see Becky putting something in the oven.

"Who's that, Emmy?" Dean coos as he points at Becky who turns around to face the two. "Mama," she giggles, making her parents smile. "Exactly. That's your hot, sexy, mama," he smirks looking at Becky blush as she walks up to them. 

"Hi, baby," she smiles. "Hey, sexy," he says bending down to give her a sweet kiss on her lips. "I missed you." "I missed you more," she coos back as she takes Emery away from him. "Hey! Don't steal my baby," he whines, taking her back, making both of them giggle. "She has to eat, babe," Becky smiles as she takes Emery away from Dean again and puts her in her chair.

"But she doesn't drink breast milk anymore. You don't even breastfeed anymore! I want my baby back," he whines again. "I know, but she didn't eat breakfast and it's almost 1:30. She'll turn to you and the twins when she doesn't eat," Becky says getting the boxes of Cheerios from the top of the fridge. 

"Why give it to her if she's gonna make a mess with them?" He says. "She likes Cheerios," Becky smiles as she pours the cereal on the small table in front of Emery. "I'm telling you, Becks. She's going to make a mess with them," he smiles as he watches his daughter put Cheerios in his mouth. "You are so cute," he smiles kissing her cheek before walking over to his girlfriend.

"What's in the oven?" He says. "A baby," Becky smiles. Dean lifts an eyebrow. "You're not pregnant, are you?" He says. "Maybe," she smiles. "You're kidding, right? You're not pregnant," he smiles. She giggles. "Yeah, I'm not. But I wouldn't mind being pregnant again. I don't really want to go back to work," she sighs.

Dean wraps one arm around her waist as she puts her head on his shoulder. "At least we're taking Emmy," Dean smiles as the watch the twins interact with Emery. "Yeah, but I'm just worried about the twins," she says. "They'll be fine, Becks. We'll have Emery with us," he says kissing her hair. "I guess you're right."

"Can I tell you a secret?" He smirks looking at her. She smiles and looks up at him. "What?" "You look sexy after having three kids. Damn," he says making her blush. "Stop it," she giggles. "I'm not gonna lie to you and say you look bad. You look like how you did before we started dating," he says. "Thank you."

"What's in the oven, for real, for real?" He chuckles. Becky giggles. "Pizza. Pepperoni." "How long do we have to wait for it?" He said as he walked over to Emery and took her out of her seat. "I just put it in, Jon," she smiled. "Probably, twenty minutes, I guess." 

"I'm gonna take the kids to Alexa and AJ's. I think she's coming over so you won't be alone," he smiles kissing Emery's cheek. Becky nods. "Don't kill my babies, Jon," Becky smiles tickling Emery's foot, making her giggle. "Their mine too, Becks. What did I say about worrying?" He smiles as he looks at his fiancé. "Fine. I'm sorry," she says before kissing his lips.

As the two were kissing, Emery started crying, causing Becky to pull away. "What's wrong, baby?" Becky asks her daughter. "Dada," she says. "Yeah, Becks. I'm leaving you for her. Bye," Dean smiles kissing Emery's cheek once again. "Such a daddy's girl," Becky giggles.

862 words

First chapter is complete! I'm gonna start off at 49, but, just consider this as chapter one! Next chapter is going to be a smut!

Love you all!


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