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Dean was able to drop the twins off at Charlotte and Roman's house and bring Becky to the hospital. She was calmer through this pregnancy than any of her other ones.

"Em, you have to be quiet," Dean smiled as he daughter continued to squeal. "Mommy's trying to sleep." "No," Emery laughed as she started to fidget in her father's arms. Dean looked over at Becky, who was smiling at the two.

"I'm sorry," he says picking Emery back up. She shakes her head. "It's OK. I couldn't sleep last night either. I'll be OK," she said.

"Emery, what's gotten into you?" Dean chuckles as he puts Emery on the floor. Emery giggled as she walked over to her mom, trying to climb on the bed. She started to whine when she couldn't get up. Becky smiled. "Can you help her, please?" She asked. Dean smiled back as he helped Emery up on the bed.

Emery clapped her hands and giggled as she started to crawl around the empty space on Becky's bed. "Can you believe she's gonna be two in three weeks?" Dean chuckled. "I know. It feels like it was yesterday when she said her first word," Becky whispers. "Now she won't stop talking."

"What did you say?" Dean asks. "It feels like yesterday when she said her first word," she repeats. "What was her first word?" Dean smiled. "Mama," Becky says. "You remembered something, Becks," Dean said. Becky smiled. "I didn't even realize that," she said.

"Makenna never loved her."

Becky heard him say. He laughed. "She's fine, babe," he said. "How's our angel? Still whining for daddy to come home?" She heard. Becky sighed as she didn't want to start crying. Even though it's only been two years since her twins were born and she lost her daughter, it still hurt to even think about her.

Becky sighed as she walked back up the stairs to her bedroom. She walked into the closet and took the box out off the top shelf. She sighed to herself as she opened it.

She was more than thankful that Corey never found out the box of Dean and Makenna. If he did, she couldn't even imagine what he could do with it. Maybe burn it in front of her.

She took Makenna's hospital bracelet in her hand and sighed as a tear rolled down her eye. It wasn't even five minutes.

Becky closed her eye as her head started to hurt, as long as her stomach. "Can you get her to stop moving, please?" She asked. "Another contraction?" He asks picking up Emery from the bed. She nodded as she shut her eyes tighter. "Are they supposed to hurt this much?"

He nods as he puts Emery in his arms. "But in a couple of hours, they'll be gone, and hopefully, we'll be done with having children," he chuckles making her smile. Emery starts whining, making Dean put her on the floor.

"Alright, princess," he stands up holding her hand. "Let's go get you something to eat. You've been cranky," he says as she smiles at her dad. "We'll be back," he says kissing her lips. "OK."

A couple of hours passed and Becky was ready to start pushing. She was a lot drowsier and she was ready to get this over with, hopefully forever.

"You OK, Becks?" Dean whispered in her ear. Becky nodded. "I'm just really hot and tired," she exhales. Dean smiled. "It'll be over before you know it," he says kissing her lips. "I'm really scared," she whispers. He nods. "I know. I'm scared too. But everyone's here knowing that you can do it."

"Would you ever have kids with Corey?"

Charlotte asked Becky. Becky choked on her food.

"What?" Charlotte laughs. "I mean, you and Dean were together for what, six years, broke up, then had a son," Charlotte says. "I don't think it's wrong for me to ask you if you want to give Mason a little sibling."

Becky shook her head. "I don't think he'll be up for the idea," she said taking a sip of her water. "He already thinks of Mason as his own and he has a daughter." "Well, have you met her? Do you even know her name?"

Becky shook her hand. "Whenever he's ready. I don't want to force him."

Becky opened her eyes and felt a contraction. She started to squeeze Dean's hand, signaling that she was starting to push. "You're doing great princess," he whispers in her ear, making her nod. "Remember to breathe."

"Hey, baby."

She said getting some water from the fridge. She had just finished a match against Peyton Royce at a show in Dallas. Corey hadn't answered back. He hadn't been his normal self.

"Hey, babe," she repeats. Corey still hadn't answered. She walked over and sat next to him. "What's wrong with you?" She asked. "I don't wanna talk about it," he mumbles. "Well, you're gonna have to soon," she smiles. "Might as well talk about it now." 

"C'mon babe,"  she says putting her hand on his shoulder. "What's in that cute head of yours that's making you mad?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it," he yells elbowing her in the stomach. "Leave me alone."

With her eyes still closed, picturing everything that happened on that day, she continued to push. With every push, came a negative dream, a nightmare one might call it. She was having a nightmare, while awake and pushing a baby out.

"Jon," she whispers. "One more," he whispers. She starts coughing. "I can't," she says. "It's OK, baby," he whispers. She nods and started to push until she felt a relief.

Dean smiles. "You did it, Becks." She shakes her head. "I can't breathe. Get him off of me."

967 words

HEYY!!! Sorry for the wait! Well, this might be part one of two or three. So, who knows what's happening in the next chapter!

But I hope you guys liked this chapter! Hopefully, the next one will be up soon!

Love you all!!


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