E I G H T Y - F O U R

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"Jonathan," Becky yelled as she smiled at Liam in her between legs. Dean walked into the room and sat next to her. "I've been summoned," he smiles taking Liam away from her.

"Hey," she exclaims. "Give him back," she says. Dean shakes his head. "Why should I?" He says. "Because I held him for 8 months and I pushed him out for almost an hour and a half and I passed out while doing so, I think I get to hold him," she says.

Dean groans as he gives Liam back to Becky. "I hate when you're right," he says laying on the bed. "Can you hand me my computer?" She asked. "Sure," he stretches on the bed before getting back up and handing her her computer.

"Can I have my son back?" He asks. She smiles. "Yeah, sure," she says giving Liam back to Dean. He smiles as he puts on his son on his chest.

"I get to lay on my bed, with my future wife and my son next to me," he sighs as he gently rubs Liam's back. "Isn't life amazing?" "You have to pick up the twins soon," she says opening her computer.

"Can I enjoy life before doing my responsibilities?" He says looking at her. She laughs. "You enjoy life after you've picked up the twins," she says. Dean groans as he rolls his eyes.

"What are you doing anyway?" He asks looking over at her computer. "Some late wedding planning," she says. "Oh yeah," he chuckles. "I forgot we have to have a wedding," he says making her laugh again.

"If I go pick up the twins, can I bring Liam with me?" He asks looking down at his son. "He's finally sleeping, Jon," she says. He groans as he kisses his cheek. "Fine. I'll be back," he says kissing her cheek as well.

"You love me," she calls. "You know I do," he calls back making her smile.

Once she heard the door close and an engine starting, Becky opened a new tab. She exhaled as she looked at Liam, peacefully sleeping, making her smile. She looked back at her computer before typing the name 'Matthew'. She didn't hit enter yet, trying to figure out the last name.

All through her pregnancy, the names "Luke" and "Corey" and "Matthew" kept coming up and she wanted to know who they were. If they were the same person or if they were brothers. If they had some sort of relationship. All she just wanted to know was who those people are and why she just kept remembering those names.

She typed 'Matthew Graves' and noticed a picture of a guy. She closed her eyes, trying to remember if she'd seen that guy before in her life. No luck.

She knew that Graves was going to come up soon so she tried the other ones. Luke Graves didn't help either. She finally typed in Corey Graves and saw the man she had seen many times in her life. She pressed the first link that showed, and she saw a picture. A picture of her and the man, so-called "Corey".

She started to read the article. It was about what her relationship was like with Corey. How he abused her, both physically and verbally. How he lied to Triple H and everyone he worked with. It also talked about Makenna and Mason, but mostly Makenna. It also mentioned someone named April or AJ.

This was supposed to help her remember things, but it just made things worse. She was so confused. She had been asking Dean who he was and why she kept thinking about him, but she could never get an answer from him.

She got to the end of the article and it said that he was in prison. He was in prison for the rest of his life. She wanted to find him. She wanted to talk to him, make everything clear.

She sighed as she looked at Liam again, who was fully awake, looking at his mother.

"Your daddy's gonna kill me for doing this."

683 words

So this chapter is up because I wrote it my notes on my phone, that's why it's up.

So, let's just say that 2 chapters are gonna be fucked up. That's all I'm gonna say.

Next chapter will be up soon!

Love you all!!


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