S I X T Y - S E V E N

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A week past, making it Wednesday already. Dean had to go to work, making Becky nervous to be home with three kids all by herself.

He brought his suitcase down to the front door, getting ready to leave. "You're leaving already?" Becky asks coming out of the kitchen. "Yeah," he answers. "But I'll be back on Thursday. I promise," he says. "I can't do this," she whispers. Dean sighs as he puts his hands gently on her shoulders.

"I know, it's gonna be scary. But Charlotte and Alexa live about two minutes away. If you need anything, call them OK?" He says looking in her eyes. She shakes her head. "I don't want you to go," she whispers welling tears up. He sighs again and brings her into his chest.

"Emery's still sick and Makenna won't talk to me and I've been throwing up and you'll be so far away," she says as tears roll down her face. "I'll talk to Makenna, OK? Just calm down. I don't want you stressing," he says kissing her forehead.

"Kenna," he calls for his daughter. "Yeah?" She answered back. "Can you come down here? I need to talk to you," he says. "Coming," he hears before rapid footsteps coming from down the stairs.

Makenna had a smile on her face, but then it went away when she saw Becky. "I'm going back," she mumbled before turning around.

"No," he says. "Sit," he points to the couch. Makenna groans as she follows her dad's instructions and crosses her arms over her chest. Dean looks at Becky before kneeling down in front of Makenna.

"Princess, you know I'm gonna be gone for a little bit, right?" He asks, making Makenna nod. "And I know you're mad at mommy and Mason, but you have to understand that it wasn't her fault for what happened to her," Dean explains. She shakes her head. "Yes it is."

"Makenna, mommy misses you. And she just wants to talk to you the same way you talk to me. Remember what happened to you and mommy told you that it wasn't your fault? I'm telling you that it wasn't mommy's fault for getting into that accident," he says holding Makenna's hands.

"Can you please forgive her? For me? I need you too. She's been scared, worrying that you won't love her anymore," he says. Makenna huffs. "Does that mean I have to talk to Mason?" She asks. "Just a little bit."

She shakes her head. "Then I'm not going to," she says taking her hands away from her dad's. "I'm not talking to mommy ever again and I'm never taking to Mason either," she stands up from her seat and kisses Dean's cheek. "I love you. Bye, daddy," she gives him a quick hug before walking back upstairs.

Dean sighs as he sees Mason come down the stairs. He walks up to Dean and sighs.

"I'm still mad at you, but I just wanted to say that I'm gonna miss being mad at you while you're gone," he says. Dean slightly smiles. "Thanks, buddy. I love you," he says. Mason nods. "I love you too, daddy," he says giving Dean a hug before walking away.

He stands up and looks over at Becky who had her arms over chest with tears steaming down her face.

"She's never going to talk to me again," she says looking at him. "Becks," he sighs. "No. I'm OK," she exhales as she wiped her tears. "I'll see you on Thursday," she whispers before walking away from Dean, up to their bedroom.

Becky laid peacefully on her bed, with six-hour-old Mason Good in her arms as she waited news about her baby girl. Knowing that they were both OK was more important than her own well being.

"You look so much like your daddy, Mas," she slightly smiled looking at her son, who was resting on her bridged up legs. "I really wish he was here," she sighs. "I'm sure he'll be really excited to see you and your sister," she smiles, kissing his cheek.

Becky heard the door close and she looked over to see Charlotte and Sasha.

"Hey guys," she whispered. Charlotte and Sasha looked at each other, wondering how they would tell their best friend the news they received.

"What's wrong? Why are you two looking at each other like that? Is Makenna OK?" She asked, frantically. "Let me hold Mason," Sasha whispers, taking the baby boy out of Becky's arms.

Charlotte sits next to her best friend's side, holding her hand. "I'm so sorry, Becks," she whispers. "Ash, what's wrong with my baby girl?" Becky asks.

Charlotte takes a deep breath, as a tear rolls down her cheek. "The doctors did everything they could to help her," she whispers. "But she's gone, Becks," Charlotte says.

Becky could feel her heart stop. "What? Is this some sort of joke? Cause it's not funny," she says. "I really wish it was, Becky. But Makenna's gone," Sasha tells her best friend as tears fall from her eyes.

"No," Becky whispered. "No, she's not gone. I want my baby girl," Becky says trying to get out of the bed. "No, Becks," Charlotte says taking her arm. "The doctors already took her away for examination. There's nothing we could do."

"No," Becky screamed with tears running down her face. "Stop saying that," she screamed. "I want my daughter," she says trying to get her arm out of Charlotte's grasp. "Rebecca," Charlotte yells, making Becky stop fighting with her.

Becky could not only hear the seriousness in her voice, but see it on her face, now finally accepting that act that her daughter was gone. Makenna Leslie Good is dead

"I didn't even get to see her and she's already gone," Becky whimpers as if a piece of her heart was torn. "I didn't even get to see who she looked like more and now she's gone," Becky cries. Charlotte brings her best friend close to her as Becky sobs into her chest.

Becky opened her eyes as she felt the tears from her eyes start to fall. "What is happening with me?" She cries, wondering how she'll make it through the next week, without Dean by her side.

1043 words

HEYY! This chapter is honestly, one of the saddest chapters I've ever written. But Yeah! That was a flashback Becky had to when she found out that Makenna "died".

But, on the bright side, Masonis starting to talk to Dean! But Makenna's still holding her grudge against Becky and Mason.

Do you guys want the next chapter to continue off of this one or start to move on to Dean?

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! Next one will be up soon! Love you all!!!


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