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Remember anything in italics are Becky's memories

"I'm really sorry, Jonathan," Becky says as she sits next to him on the couch. Dean shakes his head. "It's alright. They've been arguing with each other for the past couple of days. I really shouldn't have been expecting anything less than that," he stands up. "No, with Mason," Becky clarifies.

"He's just upset with the news. The same with Makenna. It's alright," he says picking up Emery off the floor. "I'm gonna put her to bed. You wanna come?" He asked picking up Emery's pink bear off the floor. "Um, sure," she said following him to the stairs.

"I don't know," Becky answers honestly.

"Is that all you know how to say? Answer the damn question," he yells, throwing the box at her. She catches it before it could hit her. She opens the box to reveal a ring. It wasn't an engagement ring, nor was it a friendship ring. It was a regular ring, in the shape of a heart.

"Why was this in the kid's bag?" Corey asks. Becky couldn't answer the question. She was too busy admiring the ring. "Did you fucking hear me?" He raises his voice. She looks up. "I-uhh," she stutters. "Give me the box," he held his hand out. Becky looked down at the ring and then back at him. She slightly shook her head and whispered 'no'.

"What did you just say to me?" His voice, cold and dark, hit her hard in the chest.

Becky didn't say anything. Corey walked closer to her, but she backed up. Every step he took forward, she took backward. Eventually, the two made it out of the room.

"I said give me the goddamn box," He yells, slapping her face again. He slapped her so hard that she lost her balance. She didn't realize that she was near the stairs and she fell down. She fell all the way down the stairs, tumbling over and over again.

Each tumble had a major impact on a different part of her body. She made it to the bottom of the stairs, but she could barely catch her breath. The ring was somewhere on those stairs. Corey rolled his eyes walking down the stairs. He stopped at where Becky was and kneeled down to her level.

"That's what you get for not listening to me, you bitch," he whispers, walking out the house.

Becky closed her eyes and started to breathe heavily. Dean turned around and saw her. "Are you OK?" He asked concerned. She opened her eyes. "What? Yeah, I'm fine. My leg's just hurting a little," she lied. "Come here," he says reaching his hand down. She looked at his hand, but then put her hand in his.

The two walked up the stairs, with Emery still in Dean's arms and Becky limping. Eventually, they got to the top and they made it to Emery's room. Becky looked around as she walked in.

"Like it?" Dean smiled as he put Emery in her crib. She looked at him and smiled back. "Yeah. It's real pretty. Did you do it?" She asked. "Kinda. You picked all the furniture out, and Roman and I did everything," he explains. "Roman?" She said softly. "Don't worry. You'll meet Alexa and Roman and everyone else soon. But for now," he says standing up straight. "Let's go to bed."

Dean walks out of the room and hears soft sniffles. "Is that," she trails off. Dean sighs as he leans his head against the door. "Yeah. The bedroom's down the hall, on the right. I'll be there soon," he says putting his hand on the doorknob. "C-Can I talk to Mason?" She whispers. "Sure. His door's usually opened, so I don't think you'll miss it," he smiles. She smiles back and turns around and heads to Mason's room.

Dean sighs again as he opens the door. He sees Makenna in bed, with the covers over her body. "Princess?" He whispers. Makenna's cries got softer, as she turned to face him. Her red eyes matching his. "Daddy?" She croaked, sitting up. Dean walked up to her bed and picked her up, with her head on his shoulder as she sobbed.

"I know, princess. I know," he whispered rubbing her back. "Mommy doesn't know me anymore," she sobbed. "No, that's not true, princess. She does know you. She knows and loves you," Dean explained. "Then why doesn't she remember me?" Makenna asks. "It's complicated, princess. But mommy's still here, and mommy loves you, OK? Just as much as I do," he comforts.

"I don't want to talk to her," Makenna whispers. Dean nods. "Whatever you want princess. I know it's going to be hard. It was for me, but I promise. It'll get better, alright?" Dean whispered. "Can you sleep with me tonight? I don't want to be by myself," she pulls away. Dean smiles and wipes her tears. "Yeah," she smiles a little before leaning her head on Dean's shoulder again.

828 words

HEY GUYS! Wow! Another update, I feel so proud! But yeah, I hope you liked this chapter. So, Becky had her first memory or flashback you can call it, and it had to do with Corey. I'm going to try and put at least one memory in each chapter because I have a big surprise once the baby is born!

But yeah! I think the next chapter is going to be how Dean is gonna go back to work and how he has to tell Shane and Daniel everything. Also how the kids cooperate with each other with only Becky in the house.

Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!


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