F I F T Y - F I V E

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A day after Becky and Dean had their date, she went back to hanging out with Luke. The amount of anger and jealousy that Dean had in him was way more than needed. She didn't even tell him that she was going out with him. She had to find out from Alexa.

He was sitting on the couch with the TV on when he heard the door close. He didn't even turn his head to see who it was. "Hey, babe," he heard. "Where were you?" He asked, still keeping his eyes on the TV screen. "Shit," she cursed. "I went to hang out with Luke and I forgot to tell you," she said walking over to him.

"I'm sorry," she said going to give him a kiss on the lips, but he moved his head, making her kiss his cheek.

"What's your problem?" She asked sitting next to him. "How could you forget to tell me?" He said looking at her. "Dean, it was one mistake. I'm sorry," she says. "It's not just a mistake, Rebecca," he raises his voice a bit. "I'm sitting here, wondering where you were."

"Dean, it was an honest mistake," she says. "I promise, it's not gonna happen again." "You're right. I don't want you hanging out with him anymore," Dean says. "What? Why not?" She stands up.

"Why not? Why the fuck are you spending time with your ex?" He stands up. "Who says you're the one who can finalize my decisions? What are you, my lawyer?" She scoffs. "If you're engaged to me, then yes! It's my fucking job to protect you and my kids."

"I don't need protecting," she crosses her arms over her chest. "Says the girl who was in an abusive relationship. Says the girl who broke her leg and had to go through surgery. Says the girl who got fucking raped," he yells at her.

Becky looked at him in disbelief. "Why don't you believe me? I told you. We're not doing anything. We're just catching up," she screamed at him. "I still don't fucking understand why you're talking to him. Why the fuck does your ex come back into your life and you suddenly decide to be friends with him? You're supposed to be mine, not his," Dean yelled.

"I am yours! Why the fuck do you think I have this ring on my finger?" She yelled. "You're lying to me," he says. "How would you know I'm lying? You really going to blame this all on me? You're the one who said that you didn't mind me hanging out with him," she says, getting a bit emotional. "This is your fault. You're just going to leave me and the kids and go running back to him," Dean glares.

"Yeah, because the last time I took an ex back, I got into a fight with him because he thinks that I'm not being faithful," she says as a tear falls down her face. Dean scoffs. "If you really were mine, you would understand why I'm upset right now," he glares at her again before walking away.

Next thing Becky knew, she was sobbing in Luke's car.

"I'm so sorry, Becks. He probably didn't mean it," he said driving his car. "I just don't understand why he doesn't believe me. He's never acted like this before," she says wiping her eyes. "Where do you want to go?" He asked her. She shakes her head causing more tears to fall. "Just drive."

The drive was quiet. Becky was looking out the window when she felt a hand on her thigh. She looked at him to see Luke's hand on her thigh with his other hand stand on the steering wheel. She let it go and went back to looking out the window, barely seeing the trees through the darkness. But Luke's hand started to trail upward.

"Uh, Luke," she started but only to be shushed by him. "Shh," he whispered as he moved his hand from the steering wheel and on to the button of her jeans. "Luke, stop," she cried pushing him off of her. "Stay fucking still," he grabbed her as he tried to get her stay still.

"Get off of me," she sobbed as she tried to push him off until everything turned black for her.


Dean was sitting in the dining room with his head in his hands. He didn't mean to get mad at her. Now, she's nowhere to be found. His phone started to vibrate again for about the third time, seeing it was still Becky's phone number. He ignored it for the final time and turned the ringer off.

Suddenly, he heard his front door open. "Dean! Where the fuck are you?" He heard. Sounded like Roman and Finn. Dean sighed as he got up from his seat and made his way to the family. "What?" "Get in the car," Finn says. Dean looked confused. "What, why?" "Get the fuck in the car," Roman shouts. "What about the kids?" Dean says. "Ash and Alexa are coming. Get your fucking phone and get in the car," Finn says.

"Why am I here?" Dean asked as Roman pulled up in the hospital parking lot. "How many times did Becky call you?" Finn asks. "I don't know, like 4 times?" He shrugs. "Well, she's in the hospital now because your selfish ass didn't pick up the phone," Finn lectured him as they got out the car.

When the three got to Becky's hospital room, they noticed two doctors talking in front of it. Dean shoved them out the way. There he saw Becky. In a hospital gown looking out the window. He sighed a sigh of relief getting her attention.

"Becks, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen," he whispered. She turned her head to look at him better. "Who's Becks? Who are you?"

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HEYY! So, yeah. The chapter ends off with Becky asking Dean who he is. Next chapter will explain everything and what's up with Becky. But, yeah! This is what I was talking about when I said things were going to go downhill for the two!

Also, it would mean a lot if you guys checked out my book: 'Unimpressed'. Here's the cover:

I'm honestly so obsessed with it! It's basically a book where I give you guys tips on how to make your books really good

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I'm honestly so obsessed with it! It's basically a book where I give you guys tips on how to make your books really good.

Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!


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