E I G H T Y - N I N E

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Dean and Becky made it home safely, in time to hear Liam's cries.

"Sit," Dean said pointing to the chair. "Bu-," she starts. "No. I'll get him. Sit," he says walking to the stairs. Becky sighed as she sat on the couch, waiting for Dean to come back with their son.

She soon heard small whimpers making her look up to see Dean and Liam in the kitchen. "Jonathan," Becky starts. "I will," he says already knowing what she's going to ask. "I'll tell you. Just hold on," he says opening the fridge. Becky sighs.

After a couple of minutes, Dean found himself on the couch, feeding his son. "What do you want to know?" He asks. "I don't know," she says. "Or do you not know where you want to start?" He asks fixing Liam's bottle. Becky exhales. "Who was Corey?"

"Your ex-boyfriend. His name was Matthew. You guys got together after Mason turned one," he starts. "But how was Mason one if we were together before. Why'd we break up?" She asks. "I was unfaithful to you. I lied to you for three years."

"So why is Corey or Matthew in jail?" Becky asks as Dean puts the bottle on the table as he put Liam over his shoulder, starting to burp him. "When you were pregnant with the twins, nobody knew you were pregnant with twins. You only knew about Mason. Then you went into labor early."

"You gave birth to Mason who was completely healthy. Then a couple hours later, you gave birth to Makenna. But, Corey and his girlfriend or wife or whatever she was to him, AJ, took her away from you. The doctor told you that she was dead. But she wasn't. She was fine. Just not with you."

"I found her for you. For us. They got arrested but for some reason, they got out. They probably planted some plan for years and it worked. They got me arrested for taking Makenna when she was ours," he explains as he puts Liam on the floor in his play mat.

"So what happened to AJ?" Becky asks. Dean shrugs. "That's the one thing I don't know. Whether she's in jail or if she's dead. But that's one thing that you will never do. Search her up and find out where she is or her family. I don't care if you leave me after I tell you this. For your own safety, you won't ever go and see Corey or AJ, alright?"

Becky nods. "Was Luke with Corey? Is that why he died?" Becky asks. Dean shrugs again. "I don't know. But he's dead because he tried to hurt you," he says. "Is Emery really yours? He said--" "Who said?" Dean asks. "Corey. You said he raped me and then he told me to ask you if Em really was yours."

"He's always been a manipulator. Of course Emery's mine," he says. Becky exhales. "Why didn't you tell me this in the beginning?" She asked. "I couldn't. You hated me from the get-go. I couldn't have just piled this on top of you. You wouldn't believe me. I had to earn your trust."

Becky nods. "I wanna get married. Before the end of the year," she says. Dean nods. "Alright. We'll get married. Whenever you want. Just let me know what I have to do and I'll do it."

565 words

HEYY!! Sorry for the long wait! Dean finally told Becky everything. But I've got sad news. This book will only have two more chapters.

Next chapter will be the wedding and then the next chapter after that is the last chapter!

The wedding chapter will be long, so I'm not sure when it'll be up, but just know that it'll be up soon!

Love you all!!


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