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Two weeks ago, Dean successfully defended the Intercontinental Championship against Sami Zayn at Wrestlemania. The best feeling was knowing that his family was there. When he went walked out the ring, he gave Becky and Emery a kiss and he took Mason and Makenna up the ramp with him.

Now, two weeks later, Dean was glad to have the week off, but Becky had so many meetings for her debut back. As the time for her to go back to work, the less worried she became for the twins. Like Dean said, they'll have Emery with them.

Wedding plans were still coming into shape. They decided on a date: January 3rd. Even though they've been engaged for a year, they still haven't gotten anything done. Becky hasn't even found a dress yet, but they weren't in a rush. Sometimes, the couple even forgot that they were engaged and thought they were already married.

"Jon, I have to go meet Shane and Daniel," Becky says walking out the bathroom, to see Dean on the bed with his laptop on his lap as Emery was next to him watching a baby show. "Looking like that?" He says lifting an eyebrow up. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She says looking down at her clothes.

 "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She says looking down at her clothes

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"You look too sexy. Go change," he says looking back the computer screen. Becky playfully rolls her eyes. "Bye, Jon," she says walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You missed," he smirks again. She rolls her eyes as she kisses his lips. "Thank you," he smiles.

"Bye Emmy," Becky says to her one-year-old daughter. "Mama," Emery smiles sticking her arms out for Becky to pick her up. Becky chuckles as she picks her up. "I have to go, Emmy. I'll be back soon, OK?" Becky tells her. Emery shakes her head. Becky looks at Dean. "Can you help me, please?"

"Give her to me," he said sticking his arms out. Emery was about centimeters away from Dean, until she started crying and screaming. Becky sighs as she brings her crying daughter back to her. "Can you hand me my phone please?" Becky said as she tried to sooth Emery down. Dean gave Becky her phone and called Shane.

"Hey, Becks. What's up?" She heard on the line. "Um, we have a problem," she said as Emery's cries got louder. "Is that Emery?" Shane chuckles. "Yeah. I was about to leave until she started crying," she explained to her boss. "That's fine. You can bring her if she's still acting up," Shane said.

Becky sighed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Shane. I'll be there in less than 30 minutes," she says. "Take your time Becks. Being a parent has always been the most difficult job," he smiles. "It is. I'll see you later, Shane," Becky smiles. "Alright. Bye Becks," he says before she hangs up the phone. 

"OK, Emmy. Let's go," Becky sighs as she puts her phone in her back pocket. "You're taking her with you?" Dean asks. "Yeah. I think she'll give you a hard time if I left," Becky chuckles. Dean smiles and nods. "I love you guys. Bye Emmy," Dean smiles.

It was around 6 PM when Becky and Emery got to the arena. It was Tuesday night which meant Smackdown was on tonight.

"Hey Becks," Ember smiled at Becky. "Hey Ember," Becky smiled back, giving her friend a hug. "Hi, Emery," Ember coos at the baby in Becky's arms. Emery put her head in Becky's neck. "She's being stubborn today. I don't know what's gotten into her," Becky sighs. "I'm sure it can't be that bad."

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