The Shooting (Nessie's POV)

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Dear Diary: April 27, 2013

"So as you know, Jake, Leah, and Seth were sick so I went to school alone. Thankfully grandma Esme drove me since she was going into town anyways. Nothing was out of the ordinary as I walked into the building. I met up with some girls from my class that I knew and spoke with and we went to our first class. It was the Algebra class that Jake hates so much." I smiled at Jake who rolled his eyes.

"The first class was uneventful. My second class was the French class. We had sat down and got our books out. The teacher, Mrs. Lounds, must have just said good morning when we heard a pop pop noise. We didn't think anything of it because kids make all sorts of noise in the hallway on their way to class. Less than a minute after the first noise we heard more popping sounds but these were coming closer and had a more metallic sound to them. We froze. Mrs. Lounds told us all to be quiet and stay still. She crept slowly to the door and looked out. She then turned quickly around and said 'Oh my God, there's a boy with a gun! He's shooting people. Get down! Everybody get down!'

We all quickly got under our tables and tried not to make any noise. A few of the football players in my class quickly turned over a table that was on the side of the room and pushed it against the door so the shooter couldn't get in. The rest of us just stayed where we were and I heard some students start praying. Then without warning, a giant explosion rocked our classroom! People screamed. When I looked toward the noise, I realized there was a hole in the wall leading to the hallway! The shooter had some kind of a small bomb on him! He literally blew a hole in the wall because he couldn't get through the door! Before I could react, this girl Michelle pulled my arm and half dragged me toward the closet in the back of the room. We climbed into the little closet area and closed the door. We could see what was happening but we were hidden from view and the closet didn't even look like a closet so unless you knew it was there, you'd miss it. Mrs. Lounds was always happy with it because she said she bought it at IKEA and it was cool.......oh God poor Mrs. Lounds."

I had to stop talking because I had started to cry again. Grandpa Carlisle who was sitting not far from me, reached out, and patted my knee.

"Nessie you don't have to continue. Maybe you should wait until you feel a little calmer." The others mumbled in agreement.

"No no.....I'm ok....I just need to slow down when I talk.....but I need to get this out of me.....there's so much to tell you."

I took a deep breath and before I could say anything another glass of orange juice appeared before me. God I love my dad! I nodded a thank you and sipped on the juice.

"Where was I? Oh yeah, Michelle and I hid in the closet. Then we watched with horror as the shooter stepped into the classroom through the hole he made! He had some kind of a rifle looking thing with him. He was wearing brown pants, black boots, a black t shirt with what looked like a devil on it, and a long trench coat. I recognized him instantly. The kid's name was Frank Jordan. He was a sophomore at our school. I had maybe one class with him but didn't really know him other than his name. He always seemed to keep to himself and had a few friends here and there. But he looked so different today. His face was cold and his eyes were blank. He looked like a zombie!

He briefly looked around the room and as Mrs. Lounds tried to get him to put his weapon down, he shot her multiple times in the chest! His gun spit out the bullets so fast.....Michelle whispered to me later that she thought it was an AK-47. I don't know what that is but it was big and horrifying! Mrs. Lounds fell and didn't move. Michelle and I were crying and trying not to scream as Frank just looked around the room and started shooting....over....and over....and over!!! He wasn't aiming anywhere just spraying the room with bullets. We were just cowering praying that we wouldn't make enough noise to tip him off to our location! Oh God I'll never forget the screams of my classmates. They just kept moving out of the way but the more they moved the more they were shot! It was so loud!

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