Mother May I...(Seth's POV)

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Dear Diary:                                                    October 23, 2014

            Ever since Sava was born, it's been like a comedy show around here. The Denali's left but not before Sava started to form words. Well more like he gave everyone names. He knew people's real names but because he had problems pronouncing the letters "L" and "R", he improvised. He's only 3.5 weeks old and he can already say a lot of things. Even though I'm the only technically blood uncle to him being Leah's brother; everyone else became uncles and aunts too. Well except Nessie and Jacob, they became cousins. But the names he gave everyone for the most part were and are hilarious. It'll be sad when he can fully pronounce everything in a week or so. When Carlisle last wrote in here he spoke about Sava's ability to make the connection of the wolves in the house and everyone else's as well after the project Rogue gave him. It was pretty neat. He's one smart kid.

            Before I continue, I just wanted to say how absolutely cool it is for Carlisle to let me write an entry in his diary. I'm writing this currently on a piece of notepad so Carlisle can then staple or rewrite into this actual diary. The doc is a one of a kind gentleman. Thanks again Carlisle! =)

        Anyways, Sava's first order of business was to name those of us closest to him. As you already know, Leah is mama, Keith is papa, and my mom Sue is nanna. That leaves a chock full of people without names or nicknames. I got away fairly easily with him calling me "uncow Seth", Jacob became "cousin Jay", and Nessie was the only one with a full name without issues other than maybe Amy and Tanya. Just before the Denali's left, Sava looked at each of them, pointed and started giving them names:

"You uncow Ezee, you uncow Gahwet, and you uncow Mahcus." As the men nodded and smiled especially Eleazar who laughed and said:

"Oh I'm easy. That's a first." Everyone laughed with him.

        The best was yet to come. As Tanya, Carmen, and Kate nuzzled the adorable little boy, he squirmed out of their grasp because he had to give them their names too. He was like a prince in front of his royal subjects giving them orders. Everyone stood patiently as Sava looked at Tanya first and proceeded to name them.

"You aunt Tanya, you aunt Cawman, and you aunt Katie."

        Carmen wrinkled her nose a little as we all suppressed a giggle. It did sound a little like cow-man. We reassured her that in a week he should be speaking clearly and all of the nicknames would disappear. She brushed it off and snuggled with the little boy some more. He was definitely loving all of the attention he was getting. And we weren't through but the rest of the names would have to wait until the next day as we all said goodbye to the Denali clan and they left for home. It was getting late and it was time to put our little hybrid to bed.

        I saw Corin playing with him as he was passed around like a doll from one person to another. It reminded me a little bit of Nessie and how in the few weeks of her birth, she was hardly let out of someone's arms as everyone wanted to hold her. Now we had a much bigger family with all the Watchers plus my mom visiting. So Sava was getting double the attention. Nessie didn't mind that she wasn't the baby of the family anymore. She liked being the "big sister" or "big cousin" in this case. Now that Charlie was married to my mom there was definitely a relation connection which Sava so well drew out when Rogue gave him the connection project last time.

        As I watched my beautiful red-headed imprint play with the baby, my heart just sang. How did I end up with such a stunning woman? I know that I'm technically younger then both Leah and Jake but I don't feel like that anymore. Hell, I'm more mature then Jake most of the time. But it's like when you imprint, you grow emotionally and mentally so even if you are say 17 like me, you feel 25. I have been going to the gym with Jake in the main house and lifting weights. I don't want to feel scrawny even though I'm a wolf. I have complete faith in Corin and that she won't leave me for another Watcher or something but I just feel like a shrimp sometimes compared to the rest of these wolves.

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