chapter 1

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chapter 1 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha


dear soulmate,

it's a beautiful day today.

im finally going to live on my own. it took a lot of hard work but i've managed to earn enough money to get my own apartment. it's my first step towards my independence and my dream to be an artist.

i really hope to meet you soon so that i can tell you this face to face.



The city bustled with life as a large number of people speed walked on the busy streets. Some were students wearing their uniform, giggling as they chatter about the day ahead. Some were employees, struggling to knot their ties properly while they maneuver around the crowded area towards their working place. Numerous cars lined up as the stoplight turned red, indicating that they should stop and wait for the people to cross the pedestrian lane.

It was a busy day. And on these busy days, there are two types of people.

One type is a shy timid individual who takes at least five hours before he or she can take a step towards his or her destination. The type that gets pushed around by the insensitive people who only cares about their business.

And that's none other than Yui Komori. An innocent girl raised by the church, adopting an attitude suited for a saint. Her blonde hair and a pink shiny pair of eyes fitted her pale complexion as well as the light pink blouse and modest brown shorts she wore.

She had been standing in the middle of the island of individuals as they scurry past her. She was lost in thought, her head flying up above the clouds as she clutched on a piece of paper where her new address was written.

Such type will never reach his or her destination without a shove.

Another type of person is an enthusiastic, beaming individual that has a spring in every step he or she takes. He or she is the type of person that can't be fazed by the disapproving glare people give him or her. The type that pushes people around during the process of his or her extravagant strides.

And that's none other than her. A girl with great optimism - someone enveloped in her own ideas and fantasy. She grew up in a not-so-friendly environment which made her develop a sense of detachment from reality. To cut it short, she's an airhead that doesn't really care about the people around her.

She continued to bump people around, a hand on one of her bag's straps and the other holding a piece of paper containing the address of her new apartment.

"Maybe I should take a cab instead-" her words were cut off as she bumped into another girl. They were both caught off balance, stumbling and falling down on their behind as their own sheets of paper flew out their hands. "Ouch."

Once she regained her senses, she quickly grabbed her backpack and patted it while mumbling a silent prayer. She sure hopes that her graphics tablet was fine. It took her half of her soul to afford one.

She scrambled up to her feet and picked up the piece of paper lying beside her before turning to Yui Komori, the girl she bumped on.

"Sorry?" She asked, unsure as she held out a free hand for the blonde to take. The word felt foreign to her lips and it made her cringe a bit.

'How do you socialize again?'

Yui thankfully took it, standing up as quickly as she can.

Dear Soulmate (Laito SakamakiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now