epilogue 1

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I grew up in a family that involves only dad and I. My mom died when I was born due to a chronic illness our family has. I never knew what she looked like. My dad hid every picture of her that exists. He said that he didn't want me to miss her...

I didn't at first. I was able to live my life as a cheerful kid; albeit, more outgoing than a usual young one. At age 2, I was able to star in a kid's show that went on for three years. I actually enjoyed the spotlights, the cameras, the makeup, everything. It was like living an imaginary world set up only for me. I considered my job as the dream life I was going to live for the rest of my life.

Contented. That's the word. I was contented. Until I was exposed to the world outside of mine.

At age 6, attended 1st grade in a school chosen by my dad. There were a lot of kids my age and they knew each other so well that he thought that it would be hard for me to cope up. However, I knew what I wanted then. I wanted to be the center of attention at that workplace. So I did what I usually do; I smile and act friendly towards the other kids my age. It didn't really require much effort for me to be well-known since they know me as a the famous boy in that famous show. And so, this famous boy made friends. It was really fun for me because I get to play kids my age until it was time to go home.

One day, my dad was out late because of a modeling job. I was the last one to get picked up. One by one, my friends were picked up by their chauffeur. Though the peculiar thing about it back then was that it was not their dad who picked them up. It was a womanly figure. I thought that they were just female caretakers. However, one of these womanly figures kissed my friend on the cheek!

I freaked out. A stranger just kissed my friend! Wasn't that a form of child harassment?

The next day, I asked my friend about the woman.

"She was my mom, silly!"

"... Mom?"

Weird word.

"Come on! Stop joking around! We all have our moms!"


I don't though?

But knowing that I had to cope up with such fact, I didn't tell anyone that I don't know what a 'mom' is.

"Of course! My mom is awesome."

But once I got home, I demanded a mom to my dad. I don't know what moms do but I wanted one.

"I need a mom."

He was obviously surprised by my demand; however, I can see that he knew that I would ask anything related to a mom sooner or later.

And he told me the truth. He said the I lost my mom when I was a baby. He said that I couldn't have a mom anymore. Ever.

And I --


"Yuto! Why don't you listen to me!?"

"Because you never listened to me, dad—!"

"But I'm just doing what—"


"I'm sorry, son—"


"Mr. Hirano, I'm afraid to tell you that you're son doesn't have much time to live—"

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