chapter 16

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chapter 16 I'm Sorry


dear soulmate,

i'm running away. away from the person that seems to have been pulling my heart towards him. but am i even running away from him? or from something else...?

i know that my heart must be for you. however, how can i stop it from doing what must not be done?

please help me.


She was still running. Running away from him. From her emotions. From her problems.

"Do you really think that you can run away from me?" the male she was running away from stood at least two meters in front of her, causing her to maneuver back to where she came from.

"Why the f*ck are my legs so weak!?" she cursed, forcing her legs to push forward with greater intensity.

She closed her eyes in frustration, whole body aimed to continue running. She knew that she can't escape but there's no way that she'll give up early.

But of course, it's not like tenacity can beat a vampire's agility.

Once again, her trance was broken when a body slammed against her. This time, however, the person in front of her held her body in place with both their sturdy hands tightly grabbing her arms.

"You..." a velvety voice spoke out, suppressed rage present in his voice.

It was him.

'Stupid vampire magic.'

The girl's eyes remained closed, head tilted down for the male not to read her expression of anguish.

"Why did you run away?" he gently asked, tightening his grip by a bit.

She didn't answer.

"I don't have any patience as of the moment." he sweetly said, "If you keep answering with silence then I'm afraid of what I can do to you."


He released one shaky sigh, still trying to keep his temper in check. "Tell me..."


"... Why!?" he shouted, his breath against the girl's face.


"Answer me!"


"Ah... So that's how it goes," the male released one cynical laugh, "It seems like your open-minded nature already came to an end."

His right hand then firmly touched her cheek, forcing her to face him. However, the girl let her eyes remain closed. She doesn't want to see his face. It would only hurt her more.

It didn't matter if his allegations were all false. What mattered to her was to preserve her heart from the pain of seeing his face.

"You found out about the sacrificial bride's job, am I right?" he asked, voice as cold as dry ice. "What Kanato told you was true. Sacrificial brides are nothing but food to us. Once drained, we dispose of them."

Her heart ached more as he confessed the truth from his lips. So in the end, sacrificial brides are indeed disposable. Not only to him but to all the Sakamaki brothers.

His hand that was on her cheek slid down to her throat, clutching it tight enough for her to stay still. His other hand firmly dragged the girl's body to the side, stopping once her back was slammed against a wall.

Dear Soulmate (Laito SakamakiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now