chapter 26

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chapter 26 Was Es Bedeutet Zu Leben


dear soulmate,

starting today, i'm a free woman. i can now focus all my attention to my future with you.

which means studying for the finals.



My Beautiful Soulmate: are u free today?

My Beautiful Soulmate: let's review together for the finals! \(^=^)/

Handsome Yuto: today?

My Beautiful Soulmate: yah!

Handsome Yuto: I have a modeling appointment today;;;;;

Handsome Yuto: How bout tomorrow, after school?

My Beautiful Soulmate: eh

Handsome Yuto: im rlly sorry ;;;;;;

My Beautiful Soulmate: nah, its fine

My Beautiful Soulmate: work hard!

Handsome Yuto: ♡

"Are you listening to me, Yuto?"

The attention of purple-haired male snapped his attention away from his phone and to the grumpy old man in front of him. He was smiling from ear to ear, in contrast to the expression of the other who was frowning as if the entire problems of the world were weighed upon his shoulder.

"You said something about me dying?" Yuto joked, putting his phone on sleep. He put it in his pocket, hands settling on his lap.

"You should take your condition seriously." the doctor told him with a frown.

"Seriously though, what's up with these checkups?" the younger male complained, scratching the back of his head. "You just keep repeating the vague description of my disease and the nagging."

"You little—"

"Okay. Lemme just tell you the entire script of your usual speech." Yuto cleared his throat. "Yuto, as you may know, you have a rare genetic disease. I think it's even safe to assume that you're the only person in Japan who has this disease. And sad to say, it isn't a good thing." he paused dramatically, holding a hand out.

"Your disease is slowly spreading in your brain and we can't do anything about it." he continued. "You should *really go to America to get your condition checked properly. If you continue to not receive treatment, then I'm afraid that you'll die before you even reach the age of 20."


"I know, I know. I know that it's serious."

"No you don't, you little brat!" the old man chastised, throwing the pen he was holding in the direction of the idol to which the other caught. "Your monthly seizure had turned to a weekly one! Can't you understand?"

"That I'm dying?" his hazel eyes showed sadness as a practiced smile was plastered on his face. "I understand that. In fact, I understand that ever since I was young. You guys have been telling me all my life that I'm going to die after all." his voice was wavering, carrying a bitter tone to it.

"And now, you all are telling me that a therapy that involves being stuck in a room for months and a highly lethal brain surgery in America might save me." he laughed dryly. "Might."

Dear Soulmate (Laito SakamakiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now