chapter 24

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Habitual Words


The words "I love you" are the strongest words the world could offer, as far as he was concerned. Every person he had met bent over his wills and demands just because of such empty words.

It doesn't matter if he means it as long as the other party believes that it was genuine. That said, he couldn't help but abuse the power of these words. It was like a drug; the more he uses it, the more it intoxicates his body to use more.

However, these words are nothing but a display of humans' lust.

"I love you so much, Laito."

If that was the case, then why does he feel so happy when he heard these words from her? Why does he feel like he's the luckiest man alive?

.. She was fading... away... away from him...

"Don't go!" the redhead exclaimed, sitting up as fast as he can.

However, as soon as he sat up, a shot of pain spread through his head.

"Ow," he complained.

That was what he get for drinking an entire bottle of vampire juice. He rubbed his temples, blurry eyes turning to the side. There he saw the empty bottle sitting on the bedside table. The object reminded him of what has happened that day.

After class dismissal, he decided to walk instead of taking the limousine home. As he strolled in the streets of Kaminashi, he saw her together with him. They were both laughing while close to each other. The purple-haired male even leaned his head against her shoulder in a more-than-friendly manner. She, on the other hand, looked vibrant and glowing. Her smile was so wide that it reached her ears. She was very happy. Happy to be without him.

As he pondered these thoughts, he can't help but feel a strange sensation in his chest. Like his heart was being squeezed tightly. It hurts so much.

What is this feeling?

He couldn't stand seeing her with him. He also couldn't stand the weird feeling he was experiencing. With thoughts in a complete disarray, he went home. Once he got home, he drowned all his thoughts with the vampire juice.

And currently, he was in the girl's bedroom.

When did he even get here?

Softly scratching the back of his head, he stood up from her bed. He couldn't remember what happened after he got drunk. However, he remembered seeing the girl and talking to her...

What did they talk about?

Did they even talk in the first place?


"I can't remember anything," he mumbled to himself.

Giving up, he decided that a bath would ease his headache and memory inconsistency.

After taking a long hot shower, the male got dressed in his usual indoor attire and decided to take a walk in the household. It might help him refresh his forgotten memories.

Once he reached the common area, he couldn't help but hear a loud commotion occurring.

"Get that off Teddy! If you hurt her, I'll kill you!" came the hysteric voice of Kanato.

"Then remove your phalanges away from my graphics tablet! Or else, Teddy's gonna get it!" the familiar voice of the girl shouted back.

The redhead couldn't help but chuckle at this. Only the girl has the tenacity to shout back at Kanato. However, she is not usually that rash and had always kept her distance from his brothers. What exactly had happened for her to act that way?

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