1.5 Bitch in a Business World

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I love my dog.


"Hello, who is this?" Mommy asked as she talked into the speaker.

"Um, I'm your daughter's friend. I'm here to send her home" Lawrence said while holding onto Piper who was dead drunk

"Oh, I see. Come in" Mommy opened the door and let Lawrence in

"What's up with her?!" Mommy was shocked at the appearance of her daughter who's face was flushed and hair disheveled.

"Mommy, I'm home" Piper smiled brightly at mommy, forgetting to use 3rd person while talking.

"Piper, tell me what happened to you" Mommy took Piper and combed her messy hair.

"Uhh..." Piper was a little gone so she didn't know what to answer. Then she looked at Lawrence and came up with an idea.

"My friend made me drink something then I started to feel weird" Even though she was drunk, her foxy personality was still there

Lawrence's face darkened as he looked at Piper. "I told you to stop but you kept drinking and drinking. I'll have to teach you a lesson later" He thought

"How you could?!" Mommy pointed her finger at Lawrence. She admitted that he was handsome but he was clearly not a good person.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I'm Lawrence Walker and I'm your daughter's friend" Lawrence smiled.

"Lawrence Walker?! Who did my child get involved with?" Mommy wiped her nonexistent sweat

"Oh, I heard a lot about you" Mommy smiled. "About how you tried to kidnap my daughter"

"Is that so" Lawrence's mood got a lot better. "This girl must be a little bit fond of me"

"Come in and sit. It's getting late, do you want to sleep over?" Mommy had no other choice than to bow down to the almighty man.

"No thank you. I have to get to work soon" Lawrence declined politely. He would actually love to sleep over but he had work to do.

"Okay. Then please come and visit another time" Mommy shooed him away. "You better not come". Mommy felt very mad at the Walker boy.

"I will" Lawrence bowed and then left.

"STOP!" But before he could leave a shout sounded out. It was Piper.

"Before you go, I have to kick you tiny little *ss!" Piper pushed away her mommy as she walked to Lawrence while swaying back and forth. Then she charged her fist and sent it towards Lawrence's stomach

Just as she was about to land her punch on him, she stopped, "Oops, I seem to have forgotten that I am Piper Green" She mumbled and retracted her fist. Then she fainted

"Who else would you be if not Piper Green?" Lawrence looked at her weirdly as he caught her before she fell down.

"I'll be going now"

"Yes" Mommy took Piper away from Lawrence. When he had gone out, mommy took Piper to her room and put her on the bed.


"D*mn, why am I feeling so nauseous?" Piper woke up and was hit by an urge to vomit.

"Right, I drank last night" Piper went to the toilet and vomited, "I hate hangovers"

Piper went to the pink desk and sat on the pink chair. She went into Gogle and searched up how to get rid of hangovers. Piper did have hangovers in her past life but only a few times since she wasn't allowed to drink by her manager. When she did have hangovers, they were not as bad as the one she had right now, and she could usually fight through it.

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