3.12 The Bitch and Her Shameless Prince

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Piper lied on the floor as she looked at the dark ceiling. She couldn't move, she couldn't talk and she couldn't sleep. At first, she thought they were only going to whip her but then they started to feed her with some weird pills. These pills made it so that she would stay awake all the time.

If I knew I would've just let them kill me. I think I'm going insane. I need my sleep, please?

There was nothing she could do except staring at the ceiling. The guards would occasionally come to feed her some bread since she couldn't eat herself. Other than being fed and then whipped, she did nothing. Well, she did talk to PINK too.

[Host, are you bored?]


[Host, I am sorry]

You should be. Why can't you give me your medicine like last time? Are you really this worthless?

[Sorry... I told you that I'm grounded]

... I know, but why did you have to be grounded now?


-PINK Flashback-

"Host is probably sleeping by now," PINK muttered as she removed her headphones. She was really hungry so she was going to the kitchen. Systems could sadly only walk away from the computer when their hosts are sleeping or if the hosts tell them to go.

PINK happily walked away from her room and then she walked downstairs. What was she gonna eat this time? Strawberry shortcake or maybe strawberry pie? Eh, she could just take the first one she sees in the fridge.

PINK went into the big kitchen and looked around. The kitchen was huge, almost like one apartment room. The kitchen had very many fridges and freezer which was why PINK was a little confused. Which one has the shortcake or pie?

PINK opened the first one and only found vegetables. The next one had meat and the third one had eggs.

"Ah, how stupid I am" PINK hit herself lightly on the head, "There is literally a sign on the fridges saying what's inside"

PINK looked around again and saw the sign which said "Desserts". She ran up to it and opened it. Inside there were countless desserts and a strawberry shortcake was among them. The pie was not there though

"Then let's eat shortcake!" PINK slowly picked up the shortcake so that she would not drop it. She slowly walked to the counter and was about to put it down when a shout came from behind her

"My angel, watch out!" 009 shouted as he ran straight into PINK. He couldn't stop his momentum and ended up bumping into her. Before she fell down though, he grabbed her wrists and saved her from the fall.

"That was close my angel, sorry," 009 said while realizing her wrists.

"AAAAH!" PINK screamed so loudly that the windows almost broke. When he came shouting like that she almost dropped the cake out of fright but then he had to run into her which almost caused her to drop the cake again, but luckily she saved it before it fell, but that was not the end of it. He then had to grab both of her wrists making her drop the cake. Now it was on the floor completely squished. Even worse, 009's foot was standing on it

"Off, off, off!!" PINK yelled as she pushed 009 hardly. When his foot moved from the cake she looked at it with sadness. It was all his fault again! She hates him! Hates him!!!

PINK took a deep breath and then she turned her head towards her brother who was supporting himself on the countertop

"Why are you so fierce today?" 009 asked as he rubbed his elbow which hit the countertop from PINK's push. His little angel probably had a lot of worries on her mind today. Why else would she be so fierce?

"DIE!" PINK couldn't stop herself from attacking her brother. She ran up to him and kicked him right in the crotch as hard as she could. She then started to pull his hair and bite him everywhere

"Ah, let go," 009 said through gritted teeth. His little angel kicked him in his most vulnerable place. It hurt so much

"Die!" PINK didn't let go but only started to pull and bite harder

"What is going on!" Another feminine voice rang out in anger. PINK stopped her actions and slowly turned her head towards the voice

"M-m-mom!" PINK stuttered as her hands started shaking. Her hands started to sweat and her breathing got heavier.

"Princess Pink Buttercup Butterfly Flower Maria Rose Angel Star Pink Heavenly Light Shining So Brightly Making Everyone Fall In Love Angel Flower the second," The angry female said with crossed arms

"Y-yes, mom" PINK answered. She knew her mom was serious this time. Her mom only said her whole name when she was really really mad. 

"What are you doing to your brother! You are grounded for 3 months!!" PINK's mom shouted. This was not how she raised her children! Her children were supposed to love each other and treat each other as their most beloved ones! Never once had she seen them fight before. What happened to her dear Princess?

"I'm sorry brother 009," PINK said before running straight to her room in fear. She threw herself at her pink big bed and stared at her pink ceiling in sadness. Being grounded meant that you couldn't do anything except staying in your room. This meant that she couldn't go to the medicine room or go get something useful for her host. Basically grounded meant that you had become useless for your host.

"I'm sorry host"

-End of PINK flashback-

Piper sighed in her mind. Her system probably did something very stupid. 

How long have I been her anyway? A year? 

[No, 1 week]

Same sh*t. I feel like I have been here for a year, okay?

Piper sighed again. When were they going to find her? Did they actually try to find her? Maybe they gave up on her completely. Yeah, that bastard probably didn't care if she died or not. She was merely his toy after all.

"Is host sulking over the fact that she is only a toy in his eyes? What is this magic? I never thought host would ever care"


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