38. Sweet Pea

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 38: Sweet Pea

The hot and warm sunrays were beaming down upon him. He panted, sweat broke out from his pores as he ran down the lake.

The weather was great, not too hot, but the perfect temperature and it was a good day to go for a run.

Soo Hyuk was dressed in his grey hoodie, with a red cap on and black shorts, and he felt extra warm due the layers of clothes.

The little salted sweat drops began to run down his face, starting from his forehead. He panted deeply, he could feel his heart beating against his chest.

The hot sun was burning down upon him, and he felt the fresh breeze blow on him and for a few seconds he shut his eyes.

He turned off the volume from the music he listened to, to take in the sound of the nature around him.

The sound of the leaves moving, the wind blowing and the birds chirping sang in his ear, like a peaceful melody. A small smile formed on his face at the sound of serenity.

He breathed deeply, opened his eyes and then he increased his pace. He ran faster down the road, leading to his neighborhood- to your house. His heart raced faster and he took deep breaths to keep a steady breathing.

Soon he made it to the front door, he paused and took inhaled and exhaled deeply. He pulled his headsets out of his ears and shoved it into his pocket, in his shorts.

Then he pressed the security code, the door opened and he walked up the stairs leading to the second floor. His throat felt dry, and he gulped. He needed something to drink now, something refreshing.

It was Saturday and his day off, and he had a few plans later with some of his friends, for now he needed a nice and cool shower.

Soo Hyuk stepped into the kitchen, he pulled his hoodie off and took the red cap off. He then ran his hand through his dammed hair, pushing it back. He let out a soft sigh.

He stopped in his tracks, when he saw you in front of him. You stood a few feet away and had some purple grapes in your hand. Then you put one piece into your mouth and chewed on it. You licked your lips afterwards, and stared into his deep eyes.

Your eyes wandered down his body and you could tell by his clothes, and the sweat that was running down his face that he had been out for a run.

Soo Hyuk ruffled messily with his black silky locks and you inhaled and exhaled deeply, at that one gesture.

He always looked extra hot, when he pushed his bangs back, but today he looked even hotter, because he was breathless and sweaty from running.

Your body slowly heated up and you felt yourself get warm inside. Your fingertips tickled of wanting to feel his skin, his sweaty skin.

Soo Hyuk stood still for a moment and his eyes wandered down your body. He noticed your chest raise and fall at the deep breaths you took.

His eyes then wandered up, and he narrowed them by a millimeter. Your hair was slightly wet, and you wore a white silk gown. He could tell right away that you had taken a shower.

From the distance, he could smell your wet hair, and the smell of sweet flowers. He inhaled deeply, and clenched his jaw.

His eyes seemed to move on their own, stopping at your breasts and the little cleavage. His gaze burned on your skin.

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