46. The Culprit

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Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

Chapter 46: The Culprit

You walked down the aisle in the supermarket. You hadn't been out for days, as you feared that someone was watching over you.

Quite frankly, you began to worry and grow fearful about it. Ever since those pictures were taken of you, you feared that you were getting tailed by someone unknown.

The mere thought about it made shivers run down your spine, and you shuddered. You grabbed onto the cart, and walked down to the fruits department in the store.

You took a bag and grabbed a couple of fresh red- apples that looked juicy and tasty. You added around ten pieces into your bag. You also got some grapes, strawberries and a watermelon. After getting some fruits, you bought vegetables.

Then you headed down to the snack section, as you just couldn't resist it. You stopped your cart and put a bag of crisps in it, and you added a chocolate bar as well. Then you went to get some noodle packs.

As you walked down the aisle along the shelves stacked with different groceries, you found yourself looking around you. You couldn't help it.

What if someone was following you? The thought haunted your mind, and made your heart race, involuntarily. It felt like you could feel someone's eyes burn on your skin.

You took a deep breath, not daring to look behind you, but you needed to confirm it, because it felt like you were losing your sanity.

You looked from the corner of your eye, and you noticed a man, who wore a dark outfit. He was dressed in black from head to toe. He wore a black cap and shades.

His gaze was lowered and he was looking at the ground as he walked behind you. He gave off an eerie feeling, and suspiciousness.

He made you feel uncanny inside and your steps increased in pace. You blinked a couple of times and turned around a corner, and walked past some shelves. You weren't aware of how fast you were speeding up, down the aisles in the store, because your adrenaline took over your mind and body.

You tilted your head to the side, and could see him from the corner of your eye. He was right behind you and you were certain that he was following you. Your heart began to race fast, skipping beats. You could hear your own heartbeat in your ears, and feel it hammer against your chest.

You breathed deeply, and thought of what to do. Then you made a sudden turn, and ran as fast as you could, and made another turn to different corner, trying to tail him off.

You stopped abruptly after having run for a while around the store. You leaned against a shelf behind you that was stacked with different kinds of breads.

Your breathing became erratic and the store was full of sounds of people chatting while shopping. There was also a faint sound of music.

You clutched onto your chest and inhaled deeply. somehow, breathing became difficult, and you realized that you were panicking. You had run so fast because of your adrenaline and you felt short of breath.

But the sounds around you seemed to slowly fade, and you could only hear your heart beat faster and faster against your chest, and it felt almost painful.

You closed your eyes for a moment to get a steady breathing, and you slowly opened your eyes afterwards.

You peeked out to see if that man was gone, and to your surprise you saw him standing at a stand with food and his back was facing you, not far from you.

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