Car Ride

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Dylan's  POV

I want to reach out and touch her hand. Tell her she's beautiful. She's looking down at her paper. She has her tongue stuck out of her mouth and her eyes are darting across the page. She underlines a few words and writes a note in the margins. She looks absolutely adorable when she's focused.

I look down at my own paper and realize I haven't even started. Cursing under my breath I start to read over the article Mrs. Williams has given us. It's simple enough. I to answer the questions but I feel eyes boring into the side of my head. I turn to Maggie and catch her staring at me.

She quickly blushes and turns her head. I chuckle under my breath. Without thinking I sling my arm around her shoulders. I feel her stiffen and lean forward away from my touch.

I quickly retract my arm regretting my actions. I turn to her giving her a smile. She responds with a weak smile, but without a word turns her attention back to the paper. It feels as if we're at square one. And I want to start to move forward in our relationship. Not backward.

We sit like that for the rest of the class. Surrounded by an awkward silence.

Olivia's POV

I did like it when he touched me. It sent a shiver throughout my body, but it's just a reaction. I want to turn to him. Tell him he can put his hand back. Tell him he could hold me for as long as he ever wanted. But I can't.  The bell rings and we both head for math in a weird silence.

"Hey I'm sorry about that," he says scratching the back of his head as we enter the classroom.

"What?" I ask playing dumb. He just nods and takes the hint. When we reach our usual spots we find that they're filled. I look around the class and I can only see one singles spots dotted around the class.

"I'll see you after class" I chirp mustering up the biggest smile I can to try to show I don't mind being separated. He scowls a bit.

"Yea" he growls stomping over to a seat. The boy, Charlie I think, next to him moves away from him nervously. I see that the only seat left is next to Travis. The basketball player who asked me out. I give him a slight smile before taking my seat and pulling out my notebook and pencil and writing the date at the top of the page preparing to take notes.

"Hey," a deep voice says next to me. I turn to look at Travis. He's a good looking guy, pretty tall with dark chocolatey skin and pretty brown eyes.

"Hi" I reply. Turning back to my work. The teacher enters the room and starts talking about the slope formula. Which is all too easy for me. I start copying down notes.

"So you like math, huh?" Travis says. Trying to start a conversation.

"Kinda" I reply. Turning back again. Trying to give him the hint that I was not in the mood for a chat. Yet he keeps trying to push it.

"So What's you're favorite subject," He asks.

"I'm not sure," I say. My tone is snappy.

"Woah calm down honey I'm just asking?" He says raising his hands up in surrender. I scowled at him.

"I am not your honey" I scowled. He puts his hand on my waist. I cringe he pulls me closer. The chair making an ugly scraping noise against the floor.

"Stop it," I say my voice quavering.

"Come on sweetie you know you like it," He says trying to pull me on to his lap.

"Let me go," I say standing up abruptly. The chair falls back. The class goes quiet. I look around the class is silent all staring at me. All of Their eyes bore into me.

"No no no no" I cry covering my ears shrinking. Trying to get away from all of the stares. I feel large arms wrap around me.

"It's ok Olivia, it's all right," Dylan says whispering in my ear. I feel myself being lifted by a pair of strong arms. I hide my face in his chest, ashamed. He strokes my hair and just carries me out of the building towards his car.

He opens the door and sets me down gently in the back seat. I just end up sobbing in his lap. His arms wrapped around me protectively. I lean into him and place a hand against his chest to steady myself.

"Why am I so broken" I whisper through the tears. He pushes me so that I'm forced to look up at him.

"Olivia, don't you ever say that again. You're a strong, smart, brave girl and you will never be broken. You've been through hard shit and I'm so so so sorry I couldn't help you sooner. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met and I..." He trails off he looks out the front window and breaks eye contact and lets his eyes fall downwards.

"Thank you... for everything" I whisper.

"Do you wanna go home?" He asks. I just nod. He opens the car door again and heads towards the passenger side door. Dylan opens the door for me and I blush. My cheeks are cold from all of the tears.

Dylan goes around to the other side of the car. He slides in and starts the car up driving towards my home. The car ride is silent. Not awkward. Just calm. I feel the warmth on my hand and I look down to find its encased by his. I blush lifting my head up. I don't move my hand. I like the feeling of our skin touching way too much.

I wish I could tell him. Tell him he's gluing me back together, but I can't. Not until I know that if I'm broken again it won't absolutely kill me.

Kind of a crappy ending ok but I haven't updated in a while and I wanted to share something. I just wanted to let you guys know that more then anything I value your comments. I was thinking about not continuing this book but I was reading through the comments today and your overwhelming positivity makes me so happy. Thank you lovelies ❤️❤️❤️

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