Welcome home

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( a/n : can't remember the name of the town ,because no one ever mentions it )

i stepped off the wooden and metal ship out onto the docks of my home town . i missed this place its been a year since I've last step foot on arget . i had my  saddle bag with me . i had left my horse back in the settlement for an old friend . this place sure has changed since i was last here  . i had adjusted the weight of the bag over my shoulder and kept walking down the path the smell of the ocean fading away as i got further inland . in the time sqaure a large crowd of people were shouting and rioting i stopped and listened as the person on the small platform spoke to the crowd .

???? : the king has taken all that we love , all that we own , and given us nothing in return .when we all rise as one and rid this great city of its illness . and create a better future for our children and their children yet to come .have no fear . for we shall bring the purity that was once a part of this decaying lifestyle .

sabre : sheesh , things really have changed since I've been gone . i continued along the stone roadway passing old wagons and cottages . eventually a hooded person bumped into me . i  was startled by this . whoa man watch it .

?? : terribly sorry .

* sabre * 

 i realized the hooded person stole my wallet and i ran after him . hey get back here ! yo , get back here man you just took my money !

?? : you'll never catch me .

sabre : what ?  i just want my money back . dude , quit , we're going on the rooftops over here at least get back on the ground . oh my god ! ah , Jesus ! what ?! wait no what ! how did you jump down without breaking your legs ! i jumped down as well and landed on my feet and kept running after him eventually we ended  up in a blocked off alley . oh oh . well you look at that your cornered now . can i have my money back !

?? : huh , you . you don't know what your getting yourself into .

sabre : what are you talking about dude just give me my money back .

?? : you should really walk away from me .

sabre : yeah uh huh says the guy who's stuck in a corner . i took out my iron dagger and pointed at him .

?? : what am i suppose to be intimidated by that ?

sabre : yeah just give me my money back .

?? : like i said you don't know what your getting yourself into .

sabre : i-

?? : i am one of many . many higher class  , very powerful .

sabre : what ?

?? : you heard me . i am one of many . they're much more stronger than i am .

sabre : yeah say whatever words you want man . your still stuck in a corner here so ..

?? : yeah . we'll . we'll see about . that i actually . i gotta go .

sabre : go where what are you talking about .

?? : you'l see .

sabre : what? the next thing that happened was a flash of light and it temporarily blinded me . once i regained my sight he disappeared . on the ground in front of me was a small booklet . i picked it up and began to read .

 " sabre we know who you are  . and we know what you can do , do not bother looking for us  as you can see you'll only find us in plain sight . see you soon .signed -G "

sabre : what ? signed G who's G . i don't understand why am i even important .i don't understand what any of this has to do with me arriving in arget . i did not want . i don't understand . i'm pretty pissed off actually  why was my money stolen and how do i get to my sleeping quarters . this is not a good start to arriving back home .seriously . where am i staying . i think i'm staying here. oh well , might as well just get settled in .

-----------------later that night .---------

i woke up tied to a chair in a dark cavern . my mouth tied shut with a rope .i opened my eyes my head hurt a lot i was confused on what was happening . i looked at the person in the corner sharpening a knife . ah crap not you again . you wanna give me my money back !

?? : i tried to tell you . you didn't know what you were getting yourself into .

sabre : yeah i think i'm getting the idea .but if you untie me now i'll probably spare your life .

G : quiet now i'm gonna say this once and only once .

sabre : yeah like i care .

G : the city has become corrupt the people here are living in fear frightened by the ever constant presence of death .

?? : the cowards .

G : the king has proved he is a stubborn fool who is power hungry .

sabre : so why should i care .and why in blue blazes of hell would you kidnapping me make me want to help you in any way . on top of that .i don't even know who you are .

G : but we know who you are and all will be explained in time . speaking of which thank you for your   -

sabre : screw off .

G : shark show our guest out .please .

?? : sorry man I've got to .

sabre : whoa whoa whoa i can walk out by myself . now don't do it . NO! he hit me in the head with club he had and i blacked out ..

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