working together

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Sabre : no. no! stay back no !  i snapped my eyes open and sat up in my bunk .  it was just another night mare .i talked to myself as i walked out of the hideout for fresh air . at least it was a nice night out . i saw someone looking  away from the hideout . they turned around and  i realized it was Lucas .

lucas : we need to talk sabre .

sabre : how about i just kill you inste- a guard knocked me out and i fell to the ground . i woke up on a chair lucas and the guard were in front of me .

lucas : finally . your snoring was driving me insane .

sabre : wait . this is the place i took your guard hostage . how did you even find this place .

guard : i made noise the with  bars . they heard me . isn't it great .

sabre ; wait i'm not even tied up ?

lucas : listen i brought you here as a -

sabre : don't you dare say friend ! your no friend of mine you had my uncle killed !

lucas : yes i had him killed . hmm and how many people have you killed .

sabre : in self defense . well maybe not all of them , but still .this all started because one of your men killed my father who i recently learned wasn't even my real father . i learned i'm suppose to be a leader of something and now . i'm here talking to the man i'm suppose to kill .

lucas : no you're not suppose to kill me . there's  something going on and you don't know about it clearly . so let me tell you .

 sabre : what .

lucas : slicer is trying to take over the kingdom . 

sabre : i already know that !

lucas : listen sabre if he takes over ! we'l both be dead ! and i know we both have people to protect ! i know you saved your mother i'm not stupid i also know you have the creed and all those people are dear to you ! i have people like that in my life as well ! he's not talking about just taking over or making a war between the templars and assassins he's talking about a civil war .and its going to go bad for all of us . if you want to protect the people you love . then you have to help us . in order to take him down we need to work together . 

sabre : are you seriously asking for my help because you're scared your family is in danger . i can protect my own family . its yo i don't understand does he have someone you know or not . 

Templar guard : no its just the fact a civil war will kill practically everyone . my family your family , Lucas's family , civilians , children , templars , assassins , me , lucas and you . 

lucas : slicer has my sister . 

sabre : so he has Katie . 

lucas : yes , he has Katie . 

sabre ; you do realize my inclination to save Katie right now is a basic zero , because she kind of STABBED ME IN THE BACK !! literally !

lucas : its not just my family i want to protect . besides you have your mother , you have andrew , you have spency ! . you have all those people you love . its not just Katie i still have family hidden in the kingdom from slicer , but if he takes over he will find them and kill them . i don't like having to work with you just as much as you don't . if there was another option i would pick it , but there isn't so we need to set aside out differences and take out slicer . 

sabre ; say i do help you . i'm not going in there alone . 

lucas : flub will be going with you . 

sabre : oh yeah sure he's reliable . 

Templar guard : i may not be loyal but i am a decent fighter . 

sabre ; you know what . i'll help you , but only because  the thought of slicer running this kingdom is worse than you running this kingdom . 

lucas : so we have a deal .

sabre : we have a deal ...

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