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old man ; i'm sorry you can't empty your thoughts sabre.

sabre : i haven't even said anything yet .

old man : ha . i know everything remember .

sabre : oh right .

old man : so let's find your inner strength. to do so we must conquer the inner demons that possess you  .

sabre : how do we do that .

old man : like this .

* sabre * 

 i just realized the  green meadow i was just in had turned into a small island in a volcano's mouth . surrounded by lava .  oh come on !


spency : oh man i'm thirsty . hey i feel kind of better . hey everyone i feel way bet- what ? hello . sabre ? shark ? anyone ? if someone's there show yourself .ah!!


sabre : alright old man why did you drag me down here . i don't understand any of this . if your going to say this is going to help me become a better person i would think you lying because more than anything i think your going to push me into the lava because you saw me kissing your son .

old man : you did what .

sabre : nothing . nothing never mind .

old man : i brought you down here so you could conquer your fears .

sabre : you know i'm not really scared of anythign down here as a matter of fact i'm not scared of lava . i'm not really scared of lava so thats something i don't need to be worried about .

  old man : its not the lava thats the fears its the poisonous gases . 

sabre : okay . i turned away from the old man to look at the lava . so you telling me there is poisonous gases down here that could kill me and i need to get out of here .

old man : its not going to kill you just make you hallucinate about what you truly feel .

sabre : oh i don't . okay listen before these gases hit me and i start hallucinating  first of all i'm not feeling anythign and i feel like these gases are just going to kill me . to be honest i don't trust you . straight up do not trust you . i looked at the lava closer trying to think how to see if this was real of not .  you know what i'm not even scared i don't feel anything and oh . there it is . i turned around to see spency lying on the ground covered in blood . s-spency ?

spency : how .. could you do this .. to me .

sabre : oh i get it now . spency look .i didn't mean to do anything . thats not you right . i thought i could stop slicer . i really did . i thought shark could keep the dog away from you .

spency : i needed you .

sabre : i'm here man .

spency : look at me .

sabre : i can see you man !

spency : i needed your help and you were.. gone . and look what happened .

sabre : i tried i can't  be. i can't be everywhere spency . i thought i could do something . i couldn't . i wasn't strong enough . 

spency : you can be stronger .

sabre : i-i i'm sorry .  i thought shark had you .  i was just so focused on taking care of slicer . i didn't think about anyone else being in danger . i thought everyone could handle themselves . i can't even handle myself okay .

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