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sabre : wait where's jamie .

shark :  oh i sent her off so she could stay out of this mess .

sabre ; what do you mean . she was going to help us shark. i think she's helping us by staying out of it .i mean come on we do this on our own .

shark : okay firstly come under the trees to talk so we aren't seen . we need to watch each other's backs .

sabre :  thanks man i knew i could always trust you .

shark : just remember when i told you way back when . i'll always have your back .

sabre : i knew you would .


sabre : hey look there it is there is the main out post thats where we'll find our first officer we need to get rid of .

shark ; alright we need to be careful so we aren't seen .

sabre : there are two guards .

shark : i'll go down this side a little bit .

sabre : i don't think they see us . lets go .


sabre : shh . listen .


officer : guard where's my dinner i don't pay you just to stand around there .

Lucas ; actually thats i what you pay me for .

officer : oh right well . fetch my food anyways .,


sabre : shark what are you doing . shark no ! ah . dammit . you traitor .

shark : sorry sabre . i have to protect my village to . i'm just doing whats right . you can go ahead and take him now . George .

moose : pleasure doing business with you shark . my family still owes you dept for your message from my father to my mother .

sabre : shark ...

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