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jamie : well sabre . this is it .we have to make a decision .

sabre : yeah , i think i mad one , but lets go inside and talk to nik first .


sabre : nik your here for once .

nik : oh hey sabre . hey jamie .

sabre : we thought you had left us .

nik : no still here , but not for long .

sabre : what ? what do you mean aren't you going to help us .

nik : the brotherhood's fate is in your hands sabre not mine .

sabre : what do you mean .

jamie : maybe we should just go .

sabre : no i want to hear this .

nik : there are some things you still don't know sabre .and i would prefer to stay out of it .

sabre : , but nik .

nik : bye guys . but hey maybe we'll see each other again .

sabre : no . wait nik .

jamie : let him go sabre .

sabre : why does everyone leave me .first ghetto and now nik .why doesn't anyone want to help me i just want to do whats right .

jamie : i'm sure he wants to help , but you just not realizing it . he's just a blacksmith after all . he's probably just scared . i mean i would be to .


scout : my king our spies tel;l us sabre is still breathing and alive .

king : how can that be i thought it would have stopped him a day ago .

scout : well maybe you should have -

king : silence ! i was anticipating on giving them false hoe , but now they are truly hopeful . i got sloppy . careless . no more . guards ! do not let that scum reach the prisoner or i . and i want that bounty hunter executed by noon . but for now put him in a holding cell .

bounty hunter : no please ! no . my family ! my children! my wife! please no ! no! NO !!!..


jamie : listen sabre . i know shark wanted me to give you something thats why we're at his house .

sabre : i want to kill the king . but i also want to save shark .

jamie : i don't want to sound depressing or anythign , but if your going to die your going to die . make a choice and only one .

sabre : alright . lets go inside . its getting hot out here .


sabre : he's giving me his grappling hook .

jamie : he also gave me a message along with it . " i know you lost your so i wanted you to have this . it will turn to be useful one day . if your stuck some where and need a lift just use it . it will always be with a arm's reach ."

sabre : i can't believe he gave me this .

jamie : i can't either .

sabre : i made my decision . i'm going to save shark and kill the king . 

jamie : thats going to kill you .

sabre : i'm going to die anyway . i might as well use the last moments to do something right . for everyone .

jamie : okay lets go .


bounty hunter : my wife . my children . no . no . i promised to be home . i promised to be home .

shark : aren't you that bounty hunter .

bounty hunter : my name is george .

shark : well . george why are you so upset and why are you in here .

bounty hunter : i failed to kill your friend . i only took these jobs to provide for my family . my wife . my children . all going to die . i only took this job to earn money for supplies and to feed my family . i already lost one child . my youngest to starvation i don't want to lose any more . and since i failed my mission for the king i'm being sentenced to death at noon . i promised Natealia i would bring home enough supplies to last us for a year . now i won't even be able to return home . i'm truly sorry i tried to kill your friend i'm sorry i killed your leader it was all to help my family . now i realize money through bloodshed is as equal to stealing .

shark : i understand . i would have done the something for my family .

  bounty hunter : you shouldn't have forgiveness in me . i caused too much pain . 

shark : but it was for a good cause .

  bounty hunter : if your friend comes for you . and you kill the king ., find my wife and giver her a message for me . tell her i love her and will always be watching for her and the children . i love her very dearly and i know my fate is already sealed .

shark : i will . don't worry about anything .


* sabre * 

 i silently killed each individual guard . feeling weaker with each one , but always feeling better after a few moments . i ran to shark's holding cell the one next to him empty the door wide open . i picked the lock on the cage and freed him . he ran to the outside . it was then i realized someone was yelling for someone named  Natealia . after a few moments  . i heard pleading and begging and wanted to help as soon i i had gotten outside the vault . the pleads were silenced and there was a large crowd of people gathered around a hanging body . on a gallow tree . i noticed shark had tears streaming down his face .  he eventually stopped them and hid his face away . 


* sabre * 

 i  told jamie and shark to keep watch when i went onto the roof to go down through the window into the throne room where it was dark and the king was sitting on his throne . waiting .

king : its about time you showed up sabre .  i hope you enjoyed the little show we had at noon .

sabre : i had no relations with him .

king : didn't you recognize your own bounty Hunter . your dear friend made acquaintances with him in the holding cells . poor fellow . all he wanted to do was feed his hungry family . but he failed to kill you and paid the price . just like you are about to do .

sabre : you wrong . i refuse to die without killing you first .

king :  well then . give it your best shot .

sabre : I'm ending this now ! this is for ghetto and the brotherhood !! i had killed the king .and the guards were trying to attack me when shark and jamie killed them . we did it . we killed the king ...

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