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the next morning .

sabre : hey nik .

nik : hey sabre i see you got your sword back . ghetto is waiting outside for you .

sabre : oh okay .


sabre : hey ghetto . well here's your sword back .

ghetto : sabre . this sword  is more than just a sword .

sabre : i  don't get it . its just a frickin piece of metal .

ghetto : and your just a pieced of flesh .

 Sabre : i'm sorry what was that ?

ghetto : oh nothing . its just the sword is a symbol .

sabre ;  symbol of what .

ghetto : leadership .

sabre : i'm lost now aren't you the brother hood's leader shouldn't you own the sword .

ghetto : i did , but i fear the closer we get to bringing down AK the more dangerous its gets for all of us and i wouldn't be a good enough leader .

sabre : or the more likely you'll be assassinated huh .

ghetto : exactly .

sabre  : wait hang on ghetto . alright let's go .

shark : okay .


sabre : i don't understand why you need me for future plans why won't anyone tell me anything .

shark : just hear me out . you need to just  put some trust in ghetto . i know its confusing and i know you have questions , but just don't think too much of it okay . 

sabre ; i'll try .

shark ; okay met me at town square tonight . uh midnight .

sabre : uh okay . why .

shark : just trust me okay .

sabre : alright i trust you . i better learn something .

shark ; you will i'll let you in on a few things but it will have to wait until tonight .


at midnight .

sabre : shark . shark .where are you .

shark : over here .

sabre : there you are .  what did you want to show me .

shark : you recall that not ei gave you when we first met .

 sabre : yeah . what about it .

shark : read it again when you get home . plain sight is your key word .

sabre : what is that suppose to mean .

shark ; you'll know eventually . but do you know where we are.

sabre : whats so special about us being in time square . people come here all the time .

shark : they walk on it all the time , but do they really know what goes on underground .

sabre : where does this lead .

shark : just follow me okay . 

sabre : okay .he led me into the hidden underground tunnel and we walked  for miles and talked .

shark : remember this place .

sabre : this is where you took me when you kidnapped me .

shark : yeah .

sabre : why did you bring me here .

shark : so we could be alone .

Sabre : someone's been following us . come away from those stairs whoever you are .

Jamie : hey . sabre .

shark : sabre ! . you said you were alone .

sabre : i swear to god i had no idea she was following me .

shark : we've been here for thirty years unseen and she follows you . we can't have her be here .

Jamie : I'm cool don't worry .

shark : you followed us . i can't trust you .

sabre : if you want to kill her then your going to have to get through me first . 

shark : okay if she gives me her word i'll keep her alive , but we''l have to tell ghetto to recruit her .

sabre : whats that noise . ...

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