Creed temple

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sabre : i want to make a decision , but i can't .

lucas : you can't make a decision it sure seemed pretty simple when you set me free when your mother was in trouble .

shark ; you set him free .

sabre : shark i-

shark : no ! it doesn't matter  who dies here because honestly -

sabre : shark-

shark : your dead to me !

  slicer : ouch . that must have hurt , but not as bad as the pain these two will feel if you don't make a decision .  

sabre ; no-

slicer : you've taken too long to decide . guards ready your bows .

sabre : stop ! this is between me and the templars ! not them !

slicer : ready ! 

sabre : stop ! 

slicer : aim ! 

sabre : no! 

slicer : fire !

* sabre * 

 the room filled with smoke   and all i could hear were the screams of terror from the guards . once the  smoke  settled . all that was left was me , shark , spency , and slicer .

shark : what happened .who was that .

sabre : * coughing * i don't know , but whoever it was they just killed all the guards except for lucas and left us behind with slicer . which reminds me . your in a bit of a predicament .

slicer ; you'll still lose there is a war coming . there is nothing you can do to stop it .

* sabre * 

 slicer ran out of the room and pushed spency down when he ran . i helped spency up . he's been awake for awhile now . is everyone okay spency you good . shark are you okay .

shark : i'm fine !

sabre : i can't believe this now he hates me . spency i don't understand you guys lied then i broke my mom out of jail and- shark interrupted me . i could tell he was holding back tears .

shark : sabre there is something you need to see . its time you knew the truth .

sabre : what truth .

shark : what about your real father and your real destiny .

sabre : what?


sabre ; why are we in a broken down hut in the middle of no where .

shark : ladies first . down the tunnel .

sabre : oh . spency went first so there you go . i followed spency top a  large room with about two dozen people in it . all of which were staring at me .  why are they staring at me shark .

shark ; the leader of the creed has arrived .

sabre : who's the leader .

shark : you are sabre .

sabre : what...


shark : sabre . wake up . please wake up .

sabre : huh . what happened . i opened my eyes to see shark standing over me .

shark ; you passed out sabre . are you alright .

sabre ;  i think i'm fine . where am i .

shark ; we're in the creed hideout . here follow me . spency is waiting for us in the mess hall .

sabre : i need to sit down . okay . explain .

shark ; well nineteen years ago when you were literally just a baby . the creed was about to take over this kingdom .and royalty isn't in the templars bloodline its in yours .

sabre : so your saying this whole time the templars have been faking they are royalty . when really they aren't . i get it now fake it til you make it , butt hat still doesn't explain what you mean by its not in the Templar's bloodline its in mine .

shark : your father sabre. was the ruler of this creed .

sabre : what . my father the one that i know was just a farmer .

spency ; sabre . your real father .

sabre : i don't understand you guys this is all just absurd . my father the one i grew up with was a simple man who grew wheat . and told me deep stories i never understood until now .

shark : spency go talk to the others . leave me and sabre alone to talk .

sabre : by the way how old is spency . i never knew his age .

spency : i'm sixteen . killed my first Templar at age seven. started training at ten .

shark : spency  go! .

spency : okay fine .

 sabre : okay . speak .

shark : your father at least the one you grew up with wasn't your father . he was your father's closest right hand man . they were practically brothers .

sabre : your telling me the man who raised me wasn't my father . he was my " real father's "  body guard . what about my mom is she really my mom . you know what . no i'm out of here . don't follow me .


shark ; sabre .

sabre : when i tell you don't follow me i mean it . don't follow me .

shark ; you didn't let me finish the story .

sabre : i don't care . you have been telling me nothing , but like and BS 

shark : if you let me keep talking i promise your opinion will change .

sabre ; swords out i hear someone . who's out here . spency where are you going . shark.

slicer : your friends ran off after my dog . here let me make it a bit easier for you .

sabre : leave me  and my friends and family alone .  i ran at him with my sword and he dodged me throwing my into a wall knocking me out .

slicer : congratulations sabre .. you just showed me i can wipe out the creed without the Templar's help ...

ASSASSINS CREED 09sabreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora