Temple troubles

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Justin : captain . we discovered a stowaway on our ship what shall his fate be .

sabre ; let me speak to him .


ryan : please get your hands off me . in the name of my father Joseph ryan crafter  let me go ! 

sabre : you say your father was a man named Joseph .

ryan : yes . please let me go !

Sabre : you are permitted to live only if your tell me why you were stowing away .

ryan : i was stealing the ships supplies since they were not aboard . my family was left behind in England . i wish to return home safely to my wife and children .

sabre : put him below deck in a holding cell . keep him away from the woman . until he earns my trust .now about the map we found , james .

james : i can't decipher it . maybe later we can ask either of our " guests " to read it for us . 


later that night ..

* sabre * 

 i never really noticed how long my hair was in this memory .or how blue my eyes were . in reality they were a clover green and my hair was cut short .i took my knife i had attached to my gun hilt and began trimming my hair to its regular style. realizing the piercing in my left ear .a single silver earring . the face in the mirror wasn't my own , but my great grandfather's . his face resembled nothing of mine . i closely shaved my face to where it looked like an eighteen year old's instead of a twenty six year old . i changed into a different set of clothes . the ones i was wearing had been stained with blood and rain . from all of the times i had been guiding the ship and almost killed when the red coats attacked us . i heard gunfire outside along with several cannons . i ran outside to see my crew fighting two ships . one pirate the other red coat .

james : your orders sir .

Sabre : set up three teams one stays here to keep  our ship safe the other two board those ships and kill the people occupying them .

james : yes captain . you heard the captain everyone go  ! .


sabre : okay . since thats over . who's the captain of this pirate ship ?

Dan : i am . 

sabre : sorry about the mishap those redcoats were probably looking for us . you might want to cross to our boat since this one is slowly sinking .

james : hey ryan . you see that guy down there . right on the edge you see him .

ryan : no . i don-

* sabre * 

 james pushed ryan off the edge of the pirate ship into the water . a few minutes later he came back up . how was your swim ryan .

ryan : great .

Dan : any way i'm down to three men . can we join your ranks .

sabre : yes . 

Dan : thank you . we have much supplies . 


james : captain we found it !

sabre : found what you sanity .

James : no the islands .

sabre : your telling me Ryan was actually right .

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