Ryguy returns

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sabre : shark . why did you do it .

shark : i'm sorry sabre. its just i have to keep my village safe .

sabre : you betrayed me .

shark : i'm sorry . one more . for old time's sake .

*sabre * 

 he had kissed me before pushing me backwards into a rushing river with my hands tied behind my back . he was always one for bitter sweet goodbyes . i had remembered this wasn't my reality i was living in my ancestors reality . he lived through this .i'm just doing it again .according to my family's history my ancestor didn't fall in love with shark they grew apart . i was the one controlling this i was in love because i loved the real shark in the real world the one in my time period . i 'm just smitten with this version because its the closest i'll get to the real one . i was slowly sinking down into the depths of the river . eventually being pulled  down to where i stopped breathing completely . next thing i know i'm laying on a bed with a bandage around my chest .ryan was sitting on the ground outside of the tent i was in .

ryan : Sabre your finally awake . you've been out for a week . a week .

sabre : no but that can't be .

ryan : your lucky to be alive sabre you almost died .if i hadn't found you . you would have died in the real- . I've said too much . i need to go help James with the defenses .

sabre : you said real world . what do you mean by that . 

ryan : i'm not from this time period sabre . i'm from your time . shark ,. the real shark sent me in to help you . i'm part of the group on the outside . I've been in here for over six years . i have nothing to go back to .so I've just been living my life in a memory of my ancestor .

sabre : we need to act like we're from here  other wise people will lose trust in us .

ryan : what do you think I've been doing the past six years .

sabre : another thing i don't under stand . george the bounty hunter he said something about shark being paid for a dept .  the problem is a few weeks ago when i was in a different memory . me and shark  were younger in the memory and we witnessed a bounty hunter named george be executed by an old king that went by the name AK . i killed him then was woken up and rescued by shark and Jamie in the real world . how is george here if he's dead .

ryan : thats his son . remember george the original one had three kids all sons . Nathaniel , Zachariah , and  Johnathan . the youngest one . Johnathan died during the fall from starvation as you know , but what no one knew was that his wife Natealia  had actually had a new child when george was executed so . she named her newborn son after his father . and he had grown up following in his father's footsteps . leading to the person you met the other day . you've got to remember what seems like weeks for us is years for them . so george jr is now around age sixteen and you are nearing your thirties my friend .

sabre : i'm only eighteen .

ryan : not in here . do your self a favor and look at your reflection for once you won't see your self you'll see your great great great grandfather in his late twenties . its peculiar at firs t, but you'll get used to it ...

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